Exercise 10
1 Can i have two ttckcis. please? 2 Yes. certamly 3 How much are they? 4 The/rc £6 each.
5 How much we student tickets?
6 Can l iw your student card. ptease?
Excrcise 11
1 Good morntng Milton College. Can l help you?
2 HeUo Can I speak to Mr$ Dawn looes. please7
3 Tm afrad sheS out. Can l uke a message?
4 Yes, please. Can you tefl hec that Kerth Oaws called?
5 Yes. of course
6 And Id her II ring baefc later
7 Yes. I will Goodbyc
8 Thank you. Goodbye
Exer<ise 12a)
10 2 b) 3 a)
Exerciso 12b)
IX 2/ 3X 4/ 5x 6X 7/
Exerci$e 13
Sfudeots' owr> answerj
Exercisc 1
1 She asked him who he was staying with.
2 He asked her whal tirne she was catehing the bus.
3 She asked hm if he'd Sked the film.
4 He asked łmr if he could buy a student tkfcet.
5 She asked him if he would enter the competition
6 He asked Iw if she was going to read Airnaica Inn.
7 She asked him if he’d bcen to the gallery at St hes
8 He asked her what brnę the film ended.
9 She asked him what he thought of Tomb Rsiócf.
10 He asked hec where she was going on hokday.
Exercise 2
1 too big to see 2 too long to read 3 not elew enough to go 4 too bad to make 5 too tired to read 6 too far to cynie 7 not brave enough to try 8 too frightened to tell 9 not rich enough to buy 10 too bad to walk Excrcise 3
1 gorng 2 to help 3 to work 4 writing 5 workmg 6 secing 7taking Sbcing 9todn>« tOtowritc
Exercise 4
1 a l<v/ 7 for some time 3 a couple of hours 4 about 5 lots 0< 6 a few weeks 7 for ages 8hondredsof 9 loadsof 10 lots of Excrcise 5
1 tiny 2 frightened 3 exhausted 4 stannng 5 good Exercise 6
1 stanńng 2 tiny 3 exhausted 4 bnlliant 5 good
Exercise 7
1 A Do you mind if I borrow your bicycle7 8 Sorry I need to use it mysetf
2 A ls it alt right if I make some toast7 8 Yes. of course
Exercisc 8
1 0 2a) 30 4 b) Sb) 6a)
Exercise 9a)
A is from a story about a man being attacked by birds 8 is from an artide about one of Oaphne du Ntauneds books C is from a book about Daphne du Maurier.
Exercise 9b)
Exercise 9c)
(Suggnted answer)
Exercise 10
Wilkam Gokiing was bom «i 1911 m CornwaH He was educated at Oxford Urwers/ty His Ust nowel was Lord of fhe fbti whtch he wrote m 19S4 A film of Lord of the was madę m 1963. He won the Nobel Pnn> for Uteraturc in 1983
Exercise 1
l c) 2a) 30 4 b) 5 a) 66) 7a) 80 9b) lOa) Exercise 2
1 They aren‘t good enough to be m the team!
2 Twe e-maded eweryone in my address book
3 She'd ksoked ewerywhere for ber d-ctonary.
4 It was such a perfect cwenmg
5 She said that she would vwt me m hosprta'
6 They told me to shut the door and sit down
7 Haven‘t you spoken to Nm yet?
8 Doo t be so stupidl
9 SheS too kmd to ref use to help.
tO He asked her what her address was Exercise 3
1 hfccd 2 d»dn‘t eojoy 3 wece panted 4 used to hunt 5 were madę 6 not to tell 7 S 8 had 9 standmg 10 had bought
Exercise 4
1 programmer 2 information 3 aston<shment 4 Psychology
5 importance Excrcise 5
t tmy 2 impotic 3 onfrieodły 4 good 5 uncntical Exercise 6
t educaton 2 serobte 3 battenes 4 serwitive S competition
6 heating 7 card 8 twrificd 9 scared 10 award
Exercise 7
1 the onfy trouble is 2 Kccp your fingers crossed 3 thoreS nothing I can do about it 4 ready when you are 5 ThatS eas*r said than done.
Exercise 8a)
1 b) 2 a) 3 O Exercise 8b)
1/ 2 / 3X AS 5X6X7/
Exercise 9
Sfudenrs" own ans wers
Placcs |
Beach |
Dn/snlr. rCOpiC |
sanctuary |
cfcff |
enthusiast |
paradise |
seal |
gymnast |
svave |
inuentor |
Exercise 1
1 "s waiting 2 * working 31%* 4 S leasing 5 have Exercise 2
1 Have you 2 Did she 3 Do you 4 K it 5 A/c they Exercise 3
11bo/rc in london to <om pele m a basketball match
2 Shes svorkmg m a bookshop to earn some ertra moncy
3 rm wartmg here to catch the buy
4 rm at home today to help my father
5 He's in Peruance to learn to surf Exercise 4
I step: 2 D.d . wake up 3 caught 4 didnt arnve S d-dnt take Exercisc S
I He w« eałly so he bought a newspaper 21 d>dn-t wnte anything because I didn‘t haro a pen
3 It was ve«y cokJ so we d<Jn‘t go surfmg
4 The bus <Wnt arrive so l wafted
5 We ctdn't watch the video because it stos broken Exercise 6
1 Fłfst 2 aftef 3 later 4 Before 5 E «*>#y
Exercise 7
1 runrter 2 drner 3 singer 4 saiłor S drummer Exerci$e 8
1 reccptiorwt 2 cashier 3 hairdresser 4 reporter 5 den lot Exerciso 9
1 an hour 2 in 3 morrwtg 4 on 5 at Exerciso 10
1 boat 2 bus 3 motorWse 4 piane 5 tram
Exercise 11
1 Excuse me 2 Br*antf 3 l don‘t mrnd ExorcJse 12
I Mave yoo 90t any brothers and sisters? 2 l've got two słsters 3 Mave you? rve got a brother 4 Rea!y? Whafs his name>
5 Thomas Excrcisc 13
1 went 2 Od 3 How 4 went 5 Was
Exerdsc 14a)
10 2b)
Exorcise 14b)
1/ 2 X 3/ 4/ S/ 6/ ?X 8 X
Exercise 15
Studcoti' own ansiws
Exerdse 1
1 where D 2 s^hteh MO 3 wtiich D 4 which 0 S where NO
6 wbo NO Exercise 2
I are yoo domg 2 'm havmg 3 are you doing 4 'm gomg to watdi 5'lphone 6 « speak Excrcise 3
1 We’ve known him for a year.
2 Shes been swrkmg in london sińce 2000.
3 He hasn't been at schoof for six months.
4 we‘ve been here smee S o'docfc.
5 My parents have had their car smee 1999
6 He's been playing m the Engtaod foolbaS team for two yoars
7 l've been speakmg Engtah smee 1998
8 She hasn't surfed for two yeary Exercise 4
1 much smaller than 2 as taił as 3 as bad as 4 much morę famous than S much morę crowded than 6 as cheap as 7 much larger than 8 much harder than
Exercise S
1 ocean 2 lak es 3 rivers 4 mountam S roefcs Excrcise 6
1 unfashionabte 2 mpractica' 3 unsuccessful 4 unhappy 5 independent 6 informal Exercise 7
1 unhealthy 2 comfortable 3 unpleasant 4 onposybte 5 ncorrect Exercise 8
Exercise 9
lOood ideał 2 Have a nxe tenel 3 No. ncver 4 0oesanyone fancy
Exercise 10
1 rm playmg tenms on Saturday mornmg
2 Are you free on Saturday afternoon?
3 rm going to (the enema) Would you tte to come?
4 Yes. please Exercisc 11
1 Has* 2 been 3 haven't 4 bet S best 6 Do 1 better 8 do
Exercise 12a)
la) 2 b)
Exercise 12b)
C a conwrsation B a newspaper articte A tourist Information
0 a musie maga^ne Excrcisc 12c)
1 Yes. they are 2 No. they aren’t 3 Yes. they have 4 Yes. you can. S No. it tsn't 6 Yes. they are.
Exercise 13
Srudenrs' own answers
Exorcisc 1
1 were wałking. saw 2 were dimbłng; dropped 3 was swing; rang 4 was swimming; hit 5 was ... standing; crashed Exercise 2
1 TTiey were drmng homc when they saw the robbery / While they swe dnvmg home. they saw the robbery
2 Ted was eatiog lunch wturn h«s mobile phone rang / While Ted was eatmg lunch. h«s mobile phone rang.
3 Dave was waiting for the bus when he saw h*s unde / While Oave was waiting for the bus. hc saw his uncte.