Klucz do Testow Pre intermediate (2)

Klucz do Testow Pre intermediate (2)

ats) New Snapshot Pre-lntermediate Key

Exercise 10

1 Can I have two ttckcls, please? 2 Yes. certamły 3 How much are they> 4 Tho/re £6 each.

5    How much are student tickets?

6    Can I see your student card. please?

Excrcise 11

1    Good morrong Milton College Can I help you?

2    Hetto Can I speak to Mrs Dawis lones, please’

3    t'm afraxJ she's out. Can I tako a message?

4    Yes. please. Can you MU her that Keith Dave catied?

5    Yes. of courte

6    And tefl hec I D ring back later

7    Yes. l will Goodbye

8    Thank you. Goodbye


Exercise 12a)

10 2b) 3 a)

Exercise 12b)

IX 2/ 3 X 4/ 5 X 6 X 7/


Exer<ise 13

Student? omi arnwers

Test 8A Units 18-20


Exercise 1

1    She asked him who he was staying with.

2    He asked hec what time she was catching the bus.

3    She asked h>m rf he'd Sked the film.

4    He asked her if he coukl boy a student ticket.

5    She asked him K he would enter the competition

6    He asked her if she was gang to read Aimaica Inn.

7    She asked him if he’d bcen to the gallery at St hes.

8    He asked het what brnę the film ended.

9    She asked him what he thought of Tomb flader.

10    He asked het whete she was go.ng on hoSday.

Exerciso 2

1 too big to see 2 too long to read 3 not Oevec enough to go 4 too had to make 5 too tired to read 6 too far to cycle 7 not brave enough to try 8 too frightened to tell 9 not rich enough to buy 10 too bad to walk Exercise 3

1 go<ng 2 to help 3 to wotk 4 writing 5 workmg 6 seeing 7 tak.ng Sbcing 9 to dr we lOtowntc


Exercise 4

1 a few 2 for some time 3 a coupte of hours 4 about 5 lots of 6afewwccks 7 fot ages 8hundredsof 9loadsof 10 lots of Excrcise S

1 tiny 2 fńghtened 3 e*hausted 4 starsing 5 good Exercise 6

1 stanńng 2 tiny 3 eshausted 4 bńlliant 5 ęood


Exercise 7

1    A Do you mind if I barów your bicycle’

8 Sorry I need to use it mysełf

2    A is it an right if I make some toast?

8 Yes. of course

Exercisc 8

10 2 a) 30 4 b) 5 b) 6a)


Exercise 9a)

A rs from a story about a man being attacked by birds 8 is from an article about one of Daphne du Maunefs boofcs C is from a book about Daphne du Maur.ec Exercise 9b)


Exercise 9c)



(Suggnted answed Exercise 10

William Gokłmg was boro es 1911 in Cornwall. He was educated at Oxford Urwersity Hrs fest noveł was Lord o i the Aftes which he wrote m 19S4. A film ol lord of the ftet was madę in 1963. He won the Nobel Pń» for literaturo in 1983

Review A Units 11-20


Exercise 1

te) 2a) 3c) 4b) 5a) 6b) 7a) 8c> 9b) 10a) Exercise 2

1    They aren'l good enough ło be m the teaml

2    l ve e mailed everyone in my address book

3    She d looked eveiywhere for her dciionary.

4    It was such a pcrfccł ewmng

5    She said that she would visit me w hospila'

6    they told me to shut Use door and sit down

7    Haven't you Spoken to him yet?

8    Don*t be so stupid'

9    SheS too kmd to refuse to help.

10    He asked her what her address was Exercise 3

1 hkcd 2 dWn*t enjoy 3 were panted 4 used to hunt 5 were madę 6 not to tell 7* 8 had 9standing lOhadbought


Exercise 4

1 programmer 2 informaten 3 astonishment 4 Psythołogy

5    importance Excrcise 5

I tiny 2 mspoMe 3 unfriendły 4 good 5 uncnttcal Exercise 6

I educaton 2 scnsWe 3 battenes 4 sensitwe S competition

6    heating 7 card 8 terrified 9 scared 10 award


Exercise 7

1 the onty trouble is 2 Keep your fingers crossed 3 thereY nothing I can do about it 4 ready wben you ate 5 ThatY eas»ef said than done.


Exercise 8a)

I b| 2 i) 3 O Exercise 8b)

1/2 / 3X4/ 5X6X7/


Exercise 9

Sfudenrs" own ans wers

|TS) New Snapshot Pre-lntermediate Key












Test 1B Units 1-2


Exercise 1

1 "s waiting 2 's worfcmg 3 ive 4 S leasing S hawe Exercise 2

1    Have you 2 Oki she 3 Do you 4 h it 5 Axe they Exercise 3

1Ihc/rc m London to competc m a basketball match

2    Shes working m a bookshop to earn some ertra moncy.

3    rm waiting here to catch the bus.

4    rm at home today to help my father

5    He's in Peorance to tearn to surf Exercise 4

1 ślepi 2Did ... wakeup 3 caught 4 dtdn t arrrve SdrfiYttake Exercisc 5

1 He was eaily so he bought a newspaper 21 dtdn't whte anything because I didn‘t have a pen

3    It was vwy coW so we <tełn't go surf mg.

4    The bus <Mn't amvc so i watked.

5    We <Wn't watch the vxJeo because it was broken Exercise 6

1 First 2 ałtet 3 Later 4 Morę 5 F maiły


Exercise 7

1 runner 2 drrver 3 singer 4 sailor 5 drummer Exercise 8

1 receptmnst 2 cashier 3 hairdresser 4 reporter 5 den Ust Exercise 9

1 an hour 2 in 3 mornmg 4 on 5 at Exercise 10

1 boat 2 bus 3 motorbAe 4 piane 5 tram


Exercise 11

1 Excuse me. 2 Bnfcantl 31 don’t rrnnd Excrcise 12

I Have you got any brothers and sisters? 2 l've got two sisters.

3 Have you? rse got a brother 4 ReaSy? WtiatS his name*

5    Thomas Exercise 13

1 went 2 Oid 3 How 4 went 5 Was


Excrcisc 14a)

10 2 b)

Excrcise 14b)

1/ 2 X 3/ 4/ S/ 6/ 7 X 8 X


Exerci$o 15

Studenls' <wn arewerc

Test 2B Units 3-5 Grammar Exercise 1

1 where D 2 whkh MO 3 whkh 0 4 whkh 0 S whete NO

6    whoNO Exercise 2

1 are you domg 2 'm havmg 3 are you doing 4 'm gomg to watch 51 phone 6 ‘B speak Exercise 3

1    We‘ve known him for a year.

2    Shes been wodcing in loodon sińce 2000.

3    He hasn’t been at schoo! for s« months.

4    WeYe been horę smee S o'dodt.

5    My parenis have had tłieir car s*nce 1999

6    HeS been playing m the Engtand footbal team for two years.

71”v* been speaking Engfcsh smee 1998

8 She hasn‘t surfed for two years.

Exercise 4

1 much smaiter than 2 as uB as 3 as bad as 4 much morę famous than S much morę crowded than 6 as cheap as

7    much laigcr than 8 much harder than


Exercise 5

1 ocean 2 lak es 3 rivers 4 mounlam S rocks Excrcisc 6

1 unfashionabfe 2 impractical 3 unsuccessfuł 4 unhappy S independent 6 informal Exercise 7

1 unhealthy 2 comlortabłe 3 unpleasant 4 iinposyWe 5 mcorrect Exercise 8


Exerci$e 9

1 Good ideał 2 Have a nke timel 3 No. nem 4 Does anyone lancy

Exercise 10

1    rm playing tenms on Saturday mornmg

2    Are you Irce on Saturday afternoon?

3    rm gomg to (the onema) Would you fcke to como?

4    Yes. please Exercise 11

1 Have 2 been 3 haven't 4 bet S best 6 Do 7 better 8 do


Exercise 12a)

la) 2 b)

Exercise 12b)

C a corwcrsation 8 a newspaper artide A tourist Information

0    a musie magaame Excrcisc 12c)

1    Yes. they are 2 No. they arcn’t 3 Yes. they have. 4 Yes, you can. 5 No. it isn't 6 Yes. they are.


Exercise 13

Srudenrs' own answers

Test 3B Units 6-7


Excrcise 1

1 were wałking; saw 2 svere dimbing; dropped 3 was sitting; rang 4 was swimming; hit 5 was ... standmg; crashcd Exercise 2

1    Tliey were dming home when they saw the robbery. / While they were dnvmg home, they saw the robbery

2    Ted was eating lunch when ł» mobile phone rang / While Ted was eatmg lunch, hrt mobile phone rang.

3    Dave was waiting for the bus when he saw fus uncle / While D.we was waiting for the bus, hc saw his uncic.


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