Klucz do Testow Pre intermediate (1)

Klucz do Testow Pre intermediate (1)

r)Q New Snapshot Pre-lntermediate Key












1    A Woułd you mmd heipmg me? IVe got to COOk

tfnncr for twehe people.

B No. notatall What are you makmg?

2    A tYoufd you Hce me to speak to your teacher?

B Mo. dcnt worry. i can do it myself.

3    A ShaB I wash the drthes fo* you?

B Yes. ptease. ThaTs wy kino of you.


Exercise 12a)


Exercisc 12b)

A = F 8 = E C-D

Exercise 12c)

1 0 28 3A 4F 5C 6E


Exercise 13

(Suggated answer)


1staled high schcol two months ago. My okJ friend from middk* schód has got new frścods now and won't speak to me. l am very loneły. What can i <Jo?


You shoułd try to frnd some ńew friends. (toin ai after-school ck»b or try to cha! to people at lundstimes.) Yoor old friend is be>vg unkmd and may not realise how hurt and loneły you are

Review A Units 1-10 Grammar

Exercise 1

1 a) *ve beon waiting 2 c) who 3 b) yisited 4 b) IVb 5 a) to tam 6 b> h3ven‘t seen 7 c) ’m going 8 a) was hawng 9b)'»help I0a)h<tfping Exorcise 2

1 icading 2 Read 3 do 4 done 5 under 6 hotter 7 wheie 8so 9 becai.se 10 Fint Exercise 3

1 help 2 "s done 3 is staying 4 ’m playing 5 left 6Ve known 7 arriued 8 haven-t deaned 9 went 10 Havr ... worked


ExorciS« 4

1 road 2    3 forest 4 połluted S paramcd* 6 happin«S

7 newspaper 8meat 9wate< lOchest Exerclse 5

1 nightmarc 2 bunks 3 journey 4 addict 5 drown 6 pocket 7cJumsy 8 soamble 9victim 10experiencc


Excrclso 6

1    WouSd you łke a lift to school? F No. don't worry. I want to cyde.

2    Tm learning saka dancing. D How long have you beon dong that?

3    We’ve got chocolate ice cream. A Yum. Sounds greatl

4    Your dads a reporter. isn‘t he? 8 Yes. thafs right.

5    What happened? C The woman who was drisfng got out of the car

6    Have you ever wanted to ski? E No. I haven‘t.

7    IVe got tkkets for the concert. H Bnlliantl

8    i ddn’t get the job. ) Hard łucki

9    Would you tke to come to the disco? G Yes, pfease. Sounds great'

101 twisted my ankle. i rt coukl have been woese.



Exercisc 7a) la) 2 b>

Exercise 7b)

1 ✓ 2 X 3 X 4 X 5/ 6 X 7 X 8X


Excrcisc 8

(Sogęestcd a.uwer;

Big Band drummer in aeddent

lou Disco, the drummer with Big Sand. was in hospital after an aeddent on a country road in Cornwall. He was ridirtg his motor cyde when it slid on some ice on the road He went to hospital in a frendS car. The doctors say that he is OK and that he wili be Korne tomorrow.

Test 5A Units 11-12


Exertise 1

1    Frań won'i be at the party.

2    Helen might not come to the next kesson.

3    They may go bowłog.

4l'H go to the g>tn tomorrow.

5 England won't win the Wodd Cup.

Exercise 2

1 Yes, he wil. 2 Thcy might. 3 I might 4 No, ił won t.

5 No. he won-t.

Exercise 3

1 run; ‘li catch 2 werk; worYt pass 3 don't cat wcrYt be 4 go; •|l need 5 s\eo’t give us a Ht; tetephone Exercise 4

1    Aren‘t you frightened of the dog?

2    Don't ycu like cold tróża for brcakfast?

3    Haven-t you seen the fiest Harry Poner film?

4    Don'l you knovr how to r>de a bke?

5    Haven‘t you got a mobłe phone’

Excrcise 5

1    The film was madę last year.

2    In America films are catod mowes.

3    The books were written a hundred years ago.

4    The musie is reccrded.

5    The actcrs were given the script Exercise 6

1 are madę by 2 is transtated 3 was directed by 4 is watchcd S was written by


Exercise 7

1 shoulder 2 thumb 3 ankle 4 kree 5 tooth 6 mouth

Excrcise 8

Ib) 2 b) 3 a) 4 c)

Exercise 9

1 poSte 2 rude 3 unfriendly 4 stuod S unhelpful 6 uncritical Exercise 10

Communication Excrcise 11

1 Cart you do me a favour? 2 The only thing is. 3 Thwe's nothing I can do about >t.

New Snapshot Pre-lntermediate Key


Exercise 6


Vcrbal noun (-ino form)

Noun ( er form)

1 farm

2 farming


3 esplore


4 ecplorer


S painting

5 painter

7 cook


8 cooker

Exercise 12

(Sogg&ted ontmer)

AThis CD is scratched. Can you change it for another one?

5    We haveo‘t gol any tell. Can I gr«e you a refund?

Exorciso 13

1 was bui< 2 are used 3 « used


Exercise 14a)

Ib) 2 a) 3 b>

Exercise 14b)

1X2/3/ 4X SX 6? 7?


Exercise 15

(Suggested answer;

The Box Office Manager The OueenS Theatre Bristol

Dear Sir or .Siadam,

Our tchooTs musie and drama gioup would fte 12 Kk«is for West S-de Story on 18th Octotoer at the cheapest price Could you confirm H they are aeatfabte?

WC would Ifce to pay for the tickets when we cdieet them Yours faithfuly.

Test 6A Units 13-15


Exerci$e 1

1 no one 2 nowhere 3 everything 4 nothing 5 Ewjjyonc

6    someorte Exercise 2

1 were; ‘d help 2 gave; 'd go 3 didn't have; "d wal*. 4 woutd . . do; won 5 cheated; woukbYt te* 6 'd buy; had Exercise 3

1 arrhed; left 2 knew; had revised 3 wrote: met 4 goi; had findhed 5 lost; tcłephoned 6 liked; hadiYt been Exercise 4

l too many 2 not enough 3 not onoogh 4 too much S too much 6 too many Exercise S

1    She asked Nick to send her a postcaid.

2    She asked Nick to make some sandwrches for lunch.

3    She told Nick not to leave his sister atone in tfvc house.

4    She asked Nick (to tel he») about his day at school.

5    She rold Nick to be home for dinner.

6    She wanted Nick to set the tablc for dinner.


Exercise 6

1 sympathefic 2 aggresswe 3 bossy 4 k>ud 5 gukk-tempered 6 serious 7 stupid Excrciso 7

1 sensrtNe 2 heavy metal 3 exotic 4 quesl«x» 5 mean 6 depiessed 7 aggressive Exercise 8

1 totd 2 said 3 asked 4 told S said 6 asked


Exercise 9

1 If l were you. I'd bring it tomorrow. 2 l need it today.

3 Weil, why don't you telephone your dad? 4 Thatt a good idea. Exercise 10

1 Yes. it was, wasn't it.


2 Thanks for imńting me.

3That‘s 0'< l enjo/ed it too.

4    Thank you for a kweły weekend, l had a really n*ce Une.

5    You'r» sery welcGme. I'm glad you could come.

6    So am L U was sery mce to see you ali again.


Excrcise 11 a) lb) 2 0 Excrci$e 11b)

l got stuck in a iree 2 went to primary schód 3 met Naomi 4 had piano lessons 5 got a guitar 6 started a band Exercisc 11c)

1 Yes. he was. 2 No. he didn-t. 3 No. they weren't 4 Mo. he doesn'L 5 Yes. hdshe does Writing Exercise 12

Sfodenrs' cwn antwers

Test 7A Units 16-17


Exercise 1

1 ddn't use to ha-.e 2 Od . use to work 3 used to ihink 4 dxfn‘t use to own 5 used to catch Exercise 2

1    She used to fight wilh her brother.

2    She used to hovc a teddy cated Barnaby.

3    She didn't use to eat vegetables.

4    She used to go to nurscry schód.

5    She used to play with her pet rabbit.

Ex«rdsc 3

1    He said such a stupid thing test night.

2    The present was so beautiful

3    She bought such an expensive Computer.

4    They were such kwely flowers.

5    We were so late we missed the firn.

Exerci$e 4

1    The musie is so Soud that I can't hur you.

2    The/re such good friends that the/ go everywhere together.

3    It was so warm yesterday ihat i didnt v/ear a coat.

4    He was so angry that he had to leave the room

5    lt was so crowded that we went home.

Excrcise S

1 I was (rom 2 were al leaming 3 i was worklng 4 'd travet'«d S had arnued 6 he hadn‘t sisited 7 she'd been 8 he couldn't remember 9 he was going home 10 I was surę Penny would

Exercise 7

1 painter 2 paint 3 COOk 4 Cookog/Padting 5 explore 6 farmer Exercise 8

1 ecper/nent 2 informator 3 performance 4 relation S Bidogy Exercise 9

1 roam 2 programmer 3 settłer 4 f Je S cooker



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