Klucz do Testow Pre intermediate (3)

Klucz do Testow Pre intermediate (3)

New Snapshot Pre-lntermediate Key

A Family ' saved

B Son savcd

C lifeguords save




d UnW/i car refed into t/se watce

1 GawiHastng* was waVng ho dogalongthe sdeof the lakę wlwn Iw slippcd and Id) in

2 MesCariy NwonMI fromher boardwben słw was suding off White Boy



3 ihrcetocał student*

4 Inslather. John Hastngs

S some hteguards

4    Eta was carrying her lunch when she fełl over the cat. / Wtulę Ella was carrying her lunch, she fell over the cal.

5    8ryony was finishmg her homework when the teacher walkcd mto the dassroom. /Whłe Bryony was fimshmg her homework. the teacher watked mto the dassroom

Exercise 3

t under 2 through 3 across 4 towards 5 aioog Excrcisc 4

1 didn-t he 2 c*d he 3 are they 4 docsn't she 5 bn-t she Exercisc 5

1    He-* just got ncw football boots but he hasn’t worn them yet

2    We‘ve just arróed at schód but we haven't started lessons yet.

3    She1* just bought a CO but she hasn't listencd to it yet

4    He1* just sent an e-mad but he hasn-t gol a repły yet.

5    He1* just got a ncw car but he hasn’t driven it yet.

Excrcise 6

t Have. . łound 2 ’ve tiad 3 went 4 Has ... got 5 Have .. heard


Excrcise 7

1 jump 2 slipped 3 sank 4 struggled 5 drued Excrcise 8

1 cołar 2 [Socket 3 laccs 4 button 5 turn up Excrcise 9

I sense o< humoor 2 stand-up comedy 3 situatton comedy 4 satire 5 jofce Exercise 10















Exercise 11

t Coold you tell me the way to the cytle shop?

2    Take the third lurnmg on the right

3    CoukJ you tell me where the newsagenfs tS?

4    Wafle down th«s Street as far as the castle.

Exercisc 12

1 arcn”t you? 2 isn't she 3 didn't you Exerci$e 13

1 What1* the matter? 2 How-s rt going? 3 Here she is now.


Excrcise 14a)

IX 2/ 3/ 4 X SX Exercise 14b)___

and rescucd her. She went to hosprtal but fortunately she was OK and was back home by 4.30 p.m.

Test 4B Units 8-10


Exorcise 1

t shouldn‘t 2 shoukJ 3 słiouldn'i 4 should 5 shoutdn’t 6 should Exercise 2

1    You słiookJ/ought to wilk everywhere

2    You shoułdn't/ought not to slart so late.

3    You słsoutd/ought to save

4    You shoukl/ought to do somc sport

5    You shouJd/oughi to stop doing n Exercise 3

Ib) 2a) 30 40 5b)

Exercise 4






Has she been running?

l She1* been tunning.

2 She hasn*t been running

3 Ftwe yotj been washing-up?

You\v been washmg-up

4 You havent been washing-up.

5 Has he been cooktnq?

6 He's been ccoJcing.

He hasn'r bcen cookmg.

7 Hmincy been workrng?

r?iey'vebeen Y/Ofking.

8 They haven-t been working

Exercisc 5

1    How long has Steven Spielberg bcen mak mg fdms?

He* bcen ma king films for morę than thirty years

2    How long have Europeans bcen lrving m Australia?

The/ve been tomg in Austrahd for about two hundred years

3    How long has Kale Winslct bcen aamg in fims?

She1* been acting m ffms ince 1994

4    How long have passenger planes been flying between Bntain and the USA?

Jhcy'vo been flying between Britam and the USA sińce the I930s.

5    How long has she been talking on the phone?

She's been talking on the phone for three hours.


Exercise 6

1 mash 2 chop 3 bum 4 boil 5 toast Exercise 7

1 nasty 2 happy 3 tonęły 4 miserablc 5 ncwous Exercise 8

1 happy 2 tonęły 3 nemous 4 rrwserablc 5 nasty Exerci$e 9


Exercise 15

(Suggested answerj SAVEO BY FRIENDS

Sixteen-,year-dd Sarah Lawson fell off a bridge into the river on Saturday morning. Her friends. John and Karen l«, S*W her fali m


Exercise 10

1 Do me a favour 2 you must know 3 Can i give you a hand? 4 Sounds good Exercise 11

1    A How tong havc tltcy bcen peckmg on you?

B For morę than a month.

2    A ShaH I telephone her mother?

8 No. pJease don't. I can manage.

3    A WoukJ you mmd iKłying your bedroom? I m bosy


Food and cooking











New Snapshot Pre-lntermediate Key

B No problem.


Excrcł$c 12a)

Ib) 2 a) 3 b)

Exercise 12b)

A»F 8 - E C »D

Exercise 12c)

10 2 E 3 C 4 B 5 A 6F


Excrcise 13

(Suggested answef)


l started a new sched foor mooths ago. A few people that I thought were friends are now butłymg me I am veiy unhappy, What can I do?


You should try to find some new friends. Ooin an aftw-school dub or try to chat to people at kwchtmes) You should tell yow teacher what is happening

Review B Units 1-10


Exercise 1

1 a) 'vc bcen using 2 a) wM telophone 3 b) carrying

4    b) 's been wart**) 5 c) saw 6 a) to learn 7 c) didn‘t teach 8 c) ’m seeing 9 b) were waitmg 10 a) where

Exercise 2

1 First 2 done 3 hotter 4 because 5 so 6 do 7 read 8rcadwg 9 on 10 who Excrcise 3

1 Has ... co ten 2 * bcen playing 3 haven‘t fed 4 'rc going

5    wpted 6 won 7 've finished 8 were cKmbing 9 watch 10 tdephoncd


Excrciso 4

1 harmful 2 iron 3 into 4 dirt 5 food 6 miserablc 7 nervous 8mountain 9pleasant 10 Street Excrcise 5

1 part-timc 2 fit 3 mountain 4 jump 5 roast 6 s^ces 7 chop 8 wew 9 popular 10 tired


Exercise 6

1    Tm teading a good bor* E Arc you? What* it called?.

2    What happened after that? F We went to our hotel.

3    Would you likc a Coke? D No, nol for me, thank you. ril have water.

4    You bought that in London, ddn t you? 8 No. I didn't

5    You don't like Travis, do you? A No. I don't

6    You need the 10.05 train 0 Are >ou catching it. too?

7    How wasyour morning? I It could have been worse

8    I missed my bus J Od you? I got a lift to school.

9    I got morę than 95% in aD my exams 6 Brillant'

10    Let* go out to cefebrate H Good idea'


Exorcise 7a)

I b) 2 0 Exercise 7b)

IX 2 ✓ 3/ 4 / 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/


Excrcise 8

(Suggested answer)

Kittens' singer in aeddent

Gaby Reed, a singer wiih The Kittens. was in hospital after an aeddent on a motorway m Yorkshire. She was drieng her car when She crashed into another car. She went to hospital by ambulanee The doctors say that she is OK and that she wifl be borne on Friday.

Test 5B Units 11-12


Excrciso 1

1 Dave won’t tetephone this evening.

7 lenny may be here on Saturday

3    We'll see leremy tomorrow

4    They might not play football tomght 51 may go swimming at the weekend.

Excrcisc 2

I He might not. 2 He might. 3 Yes. il wił. 41 might.

5Yo$, we wM.

Exercise 3

1 don’t stop; Tl bo 2 read; 'II know 3 won't tell; ask 4 rum, won't win 5 I need, go Exercise 4

1    Don t you know who Madonna h?

2    Don‘t you know how to use a mobile phone?

3    Ddn't you see 7he Lord of the Ringsl

4    Can’t you fmd anything to wear?

5    Haven't you been to the dentist?

Exercise 5

1    Chkken Run was madę by a 8riti$h man.

2    The chickens are kept on a farm

3    Rocky* Imcs were spoken by a Hollywood star

4    Ihe models were photograpbed

5    The photographs were then pul together Exercise 6

1 are spoken by 2 aro watchcd 3 was directed by 4 are madę 5 were whtten by


Excrcise 7

1 elbow 2 ncck 3 finger 4 wńst 5 stornach 6 back

Exercisc 8

lb) 2 b) 3 b) 4 a)

Exercise 9

1 unheipful 2 stupid 3 polite 4 critical 5 rude 6 sensible Exercise 10



Parts of a bird









Communication Exerci$e 11

1 I was wondenng 2 Can you do me a favour 3 It* a dcal. Exercise 12

A Excuse me. This cottee is cold. Can l hase another one?

8 l'm sorry. ITI get you another one immosfcaleły Exercise 13

1 was chosen 2 were madę 3 was used


Exercise 14a)

Ib) 2 a) 3 a)

Exercise 14b)


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