Klucz do Testow Pre intermediate (4)

Klucz do Testow Pre intermediate (4)

gj New Snapshot Pre-lntermediate Key


Verbal noun (■Ing form)

Noun (■er form)

1 hunt

2 huntinq


3 smq


4 sinqer


5 heatmq

6 heater

7 build


8 burider


9 larming

10 larme*

1 No, ii wasn*t. 2 No, they dont 3 Yes. they do. 4 TheyYe teenagers. S No, they aren't 6 No, they wercnt 7 No. he wasn‘t.


Excrcise 15

(Suggested ansv/er)

Tłic Box Oflice Manager The National Theatro London

Oear Sir or Madam,

Ouf school's mus.< and drama group would like 10 tickeis for Romeo and M/Sel on 7th Fobruary al ihe cheapest price. Could you confirm H they are avai!ab!e?

We would like to pay for tlie tickeis whon wi* cołlccl them.

Yours faithfully.

Test 6B Units 13-15


Excrcisc 1

1 nowhere 2 nothing 3 everyone 4 everythśng 5 no one 6 somebody Exercise 2

1 'd buy, won 2 tost; 'd give 3 were; ’d earn 4 didn‘t hav>e; w*oddn’t have to 5 sad; ’d be 6 would .. say; knew Exercise 3

1 cSdn't know; "d forgotten 2 was; had wckeo 3 spoke; went

4    tetophoned. d scen 5 flcw. ’d got 6 arriwd; had started Exercise 4

1 not enough 2 too many 3 not cnough 4 not eoough

5    too much 6 too much Exercise 5

1    She asked Nick to tidy his bedroom.

2    She wanted Nick to wash-up,

3    She toki Nick not to take money from her bag.

4    She asked N<k to buy some bread.

5    She asked N<k (to tell hei) what his tcaehcr had sad.

6    She toid Nick to be there ał 6.00.


Exercise 6

1    stupid 2 toyal 3 sensdh* 4 practical 5 easy-gomg 6 quiet

7    Ighthearted Exercise 7

t partner 2 shy 3 sensowe 4 chatted 5 band 6 chanty 7 daim Exercise 8

t He asked her about her surfing holiday in Australia

2    Wum told me to be quiet

3    Sl>e asked if ste could haw some walec.

4    She asked me for my telcphone number

5    The head teadier told us ail to work Iwrdcr.

6    The taxi dnvcr asked włsore we wanted to go


Exercise 9

1    If you coud havc anything you wanted. what would you havc? l’d have (studcnrs' oivr> answers)

2    If you coud learn any musical instrument, what would you learn? I’d learn , (uudcnts' own ans wers)

3    If you coud many anyone you wanted. who would you marry?

I'd many ... (studenW own anzwen)

41< you coud lrve anywhere m the world. where would you hve?

Id toe ... (uodents' own answers)

Exercisc 10

1 M I were you. Id go to both parties 21 can’t do that because tbe/re in differcnt towns.

3    Weil. why don't you go to the one nearosi home?

4    That1* a good idea Exercise 11

The two m forma! senrences are:

3    Thanks for suggesting it. 4 That was a gieat film!


Exercise 12a)

Ib) 2b)

Excrcise 12b)

1 went to primary school 2 met Jim 3 had piano lessons

4    gol some drums S may tour Europę 6 may go to unive<sily Exercise 12c)

1 Yes, he is. 2 Yes, he did. 3 No. he isn't. 4 Yes, he does.

5    Yes. they do.


Exercisc 13

StudenW own answers

Test 7B Units 16-17


Exercise 1

i used to work 2 Dd ... use to send 3 used to leave

4    didn't use to fły 5 used to live Exercise 2

t Did you use to have piano lessons? 2 We used to play wilh toys. 31 ddn't use to wear jeans 4 He dtdn't use to eat fish

5    She used to think tl>e Earth was fiat.

Exercise 3

1    She told me something so strange tliat 1 wrote it down,

2    They bought me such a cheap present that it broke on my birthday.

3    It was such a frightening film that I cou!dn't sleep.

4    It was such an interesting book that I read it three times.

5    He's such a boring man Exercise 4

1    It was such a good f*n that we wanted to sce it again

2    She was so happy to see us that we were g*ad we went.

3    The play had such an exciling ending that we were all surpnsed.

4    The station was so busy that we couldn”t fmd you.

5    The weather was so cdd that the river was ke.

Exercise 5

1 Maria would know 2 they hadn't been 3 they were 4 she was seeing her 51 had met them 6 we had been to Cornwail 7 she couton'1 dirve 8 I was staymg 9 they were having 10 he wanted Vocabulary Exercise 6

Exercise 7

1 build 2 heater 3 hunting 4 smg 5 hcating 6 farmer Exercise 8

1 Psychology 2 government 3 enterlamer 4 station 5 distance Exercise 9

1 ice age 2 bunt 3 seltler 4 cooker 5 toołs


Exercise 10

New Snapshot Pre-lntermediate Key

l Can l ask you about the show? 2 Yes. ccrtalnly.

3 How much a;e the cheapest tidccts? 4 They're f 10 each

5    Ar* lltere any student tickets?

6    Yes. students got 10% olł on Mondays.

Exercise 11

1    Good morning. This is the Clili Hotel. Can I help you?

2    Good morning Can I speak to Mr Holmes, please?

3    Please hofd on. I'H ftnd out for you.

4    THank you.

5    Tm afroid Mr Holmes isn‘t her*. Can I take a message?

6    No. ifs OK. I II ring back later.

7    Tlwnk you for caflng Goodbye


Exercise 12a)

Ib) 2c) 3 0 Exercise 12b)

I No. they arent 2 Yes. it was. 3 One summer. 4 No. it wasn't •i Yes, it was. 6 No, they didn't. 7 No, they won i.


Exercise 13

Students' wtn aoswers

Test 8B Units 18-20


Exercisc 1

1    She asked him wfco the devercst person in his dass was

2    She asked het il she had enjoyed the book.

3    He asked her when she was sccing her hiends agam

4    Stic asked him if he was Irr.ng with his unde.

5    She asked him i( he would sliare the piize money

6    He asked the teacher if they could loave early.

7    Ho asked her what s!m* thoughl of To maca fnn

8    He asked her when the bus amvcd

9    Me asked her if they were gomg to ptoy tenms later

10    He asked him if he had eaten at that cafć*.

Exercisc 2

1 smatl enough to cyde 2 not rich enough to buy 3 not fil eoough to run 4 too bosy to help 5 teo fńghtered to ask 6 not brave enough to try 7 too ettited to sleep S not oW enough to drive 9 teo young to vi$!t 10 no: old enough to get Exercise 3

1 goćng 2 seemg 3 to help 4 to drńe 5 eating 6 to see 7 to r>re 8 takie,g 9 to be lObstening


Exercise 4

1 a few 2 loads 3 some time 4 loads of S lob of 6 about 7 some time 8 a couple of 9 ages 10 several years Exercise 5

1 wonderful 2 hungry 3 terrible 4 smal 5 ternfied Exercisc 6

The sca


Houses / buildings












Exercise 7

1    A 1$ it alf right if I read your newspaper?

B Sorry, l'm |ust goirig to read it

2    A Do you m nd if I W3lch llw news on TV? 8 No, go ahead

Excrcise 8

ic) 2 b) 3a) 4c) Sc) 6 0


Exercise 9a)

A is from a story. B is about a famous book, C is about a famous woman Exercise 9b) b)

Exerdse 9c)

1/ 2 ? 3/ 4 7 S? 6/


Exercise 10

(Si/ggesiecf amsver)

I K Rowłng was born in 1965 in Gloucestershire She was educated at Exeter Umversjty Her first ncvel was Harry Ajrter and the PhHosophcr's Stone which she wrote in 1997 A film of Harry Potter and tfie Ph<!osopher'i Słone was madę m 2001. She won the ChildtenS 8ook of the Year award in 1997.

Review B Units 11-20


Exercise 1

1 use 2 would 3 telephoning 4 was 5 was seen 6 cold enough 7 marked 8 won't 9 had scen 10 to help Exercise 2

1    Haven't you leatncd to ride a btcyrie?

2    He's good enough to win an Oscar.

3    He told me to tidy my room

4    It was too hot to sit in the garden

5    Usten! Is there someone at tho door?

6    She asked me where my friend was

7    Tl« film was so good that we saw it twice.

8    The tickets cost too much so I didn't go

9    There were too many pecpfe al the party.

10    Your book must be somewhere'

Exercise 3

t used to sleep/slept 2 d<Kl kke 3 'd seen 4 walking S remember 6 saw 7 was buli 8wasbought 9 was 10 had been


Exercise 4

1 rc-Łation 2 entertainer 3 BioSogy 4 distance 5 aclor Exercise 5

1 great 2 loud 3 mean 4 unhelpful 5 silly Exercise 6

1 starving 2 wetim 3 empto/ment 4 choosy 5 free-range 6 outgomg 7 cookmg 8card 9 tonęły lOaward


Exercise 7

1 lt'» not my fault. 2 Tell us a bil about yourself. 3 Don't be so lory' 4 the only trouble is 5 ThereS nothmg I can do about it.


Exercise 8a)

lc) 2 a) 3 0 Exercise 8b)

1 ✓ 2/ 3/ 4/ SX 6 X Exercise 8c)

Tn the middle of nowhere' means >t wasn‘t near anywhe-re dse. It wa$n't near any big towns.


Exercise 9

Students' own answers


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