tests key 5 (2)

tests key 5 (2)

gTS) New Snapshot Pre-lntermediate Key


Exercise 6


Verbal noun (•ing form)

Noun (■er form)

t hunt

2 huntinq


3 smg


4 singer


5 heatmq

6 heater

7 bo:!d


8 builder


9 larming

10 larmer

1 No. rt wasnt. 2 No. they dont 3 Yes. they do. 4 The/re teenagers. 5 No. they aren‘t 6 No, they wcrent 7 No. he wasnt


Excrciso 15

(Suggested anjwer)

The Bo* Office Manager The National Theatre London

Dear Sir or Madarn,

Our schoofs mus!< and drama group would like 10 tickets for Romeo and Tu.tief on 7th February at the cłioapesl price. Could you confirm if they are available?

We would like to pay lor ił*e bekets when we collecł them YouiS faithfully.

Test 6B Units 13-15


Excrcisc 1

1 nowbere 2 nothing 3 everyone 4 everything 5 no one 6 somebody Exercise 2

1 d buy, won 2 k»l; ’d give 3 were; 'd earn 4 didn’t have; wouWn't have ?o S sad; ’d be 6 would ... say; knew Exercise 3

1 <*dn't know; 'd forgotten ? was; had weken 3 spoke; went

4    telephoncd. 'd scen 5 flcw. ’d gol 6 arrived; had started Exercise 4

l not enough 2 too many 3 rwt enough 4 not enough

5    too much 6 too much Exercise 5

1    She asked Nick to tidy his bedroom.

2    She wanted Nick to wash-up.

3    Stx> told Nick not to take money from her bag.

4    She asked Thdc to buy some bread.

5    She asked f*dc (to tell her) what his teacher had sad.

6    She totd Ndc to be there at 6.00.


Exercise 6

1 stupd 2 loyal 3 sensitwe 4 practical S casy-gcmg 6 quiet

7    l^hthearted Exercise 7

1 partner 2 shy 3 semrtwe 4 chatted 5 band 6 charty 7 daim Exercise 8

1    He asked her about her surfing holiday in Australia

2    Mum tod me to be quiet

3    She asked ił she could havc some walor.

4    She asked me for my tdephone number

5    The head leacher told us ail to Work harder.

6    The taxi dnver asked włsere we wanted to go


Exercise 9

1    If you coukł havc anythmg you wanted. what would you havc?

I‘d have    btudents' oivn answers)

2    If you coud learn any musical instrument, what would you learn? I'd learn ... (students' own answers)

3    If you coud many anyone you wanted. wbo would you many?

I’d many ... (studenti' own arowers)

4    If you coukł Iwe anywhere m the worki. where would you kve?

Cd kve... btudents' own arwwerjJ

Excrcise 10

1 tf I were you. Cd go to both parties 21 can’t do that because the/re in different towns

3    Weil. why don't you go to the one nearest lx>me?

4    Thafs a good idea Exercise 11

The two mformaS senreoces are:

3    Thanks for suggestmg it. 4 That was a gieat frimi


Exercise 12a)

Ib) 2b)

Exercise 12b)

1 went to pnmary school 2 met Im 3 had piano lessom

4    got some drums 5 may tour Europę 6 may go to unwersity Exercise 12c)

1 Yes. he is. 2 Yes, he did 3 No. he isnt. 4 Yes. he does

5    Yes. they do


Excrcisc 13

Stodents' own amwers

Test 7B Units 16-17


Exercise 1

i used to work 7 Od . use to send 3 used to leave

4    didn'i use to fły 5 used to live Exercise 2

t Did you use to have piano lessom? 2 We used to play with toys 31 didn't use to wear jeans 4 He cfcdnY use to cat fish

5    She used to think tfie Eanh was fiat.

Exercisc 3

1    She told me something so strange that 1 wrote it down

2    They bought me such a cheap present that it broke on my bkthday.

3    It was such a frightening film that I couldn‘i sleep.

4    It was such an interesting bock that I read it three times.

5    He‘s such a boring man Exercise 4

t U was such a good Mm that we wanted to see it again

2    She was so happy to see us that we were glad we went.

3    The play had such an exciting endmg that we were all surpnsed.

4    The station was so busy that we couldn't fmd you.

5    The wealher was so cold that the rivor was <e.

Exercise 5

1 Mana would know 2 they hadn't bccn 3 they were 4 slie was seeing her 5 I had met thom 6 we had becn to Cornwa'1 7 she coukKt drrve 81 was stay.ng 9 they were havmq 10 he wanted

Exercise 7

1 buikł 2 heater 3 huntirig 4 smg 5 heating 6 farmer Exercise 8

1 Psychology 2 governmeni 3 entertamer 4 station 5 distance Exercise 9

1 ice age 2 hunt 3 seltlw 4 cooker 5 tools


Exercise 10

New Snapshot Pre-lntermediate Key

1 Can I ask you about the show’ 2 Yes, ceriainły.

3 How much are the cheapesl tickets’ 4 The/re £10 each

5    An ttiere any student tickets?

6    Yes. students get 10% off on Moodays.

Exercise 11

1    Good moming Tłiis is tłie Clilf Hotel Can l help you?

2    Good mornmg Can I speak to Mr Holmes, please?

3    Please hoW on. I‘H Itnd out for you <1 Thank you.

5    i m afraid Mr Holmes isn't her®. Can I take a message?

6    No. it's OK l'l nng back later.

7    Thank you lor cafatg. Goodbye


Exercise 12a)

Ib) 2 0 3 0 Exercisc 12b)

1 No. they aren t 2 Yes. it was. 3 One summer. 4 No. rt wasn't 5 Yes. it was. 6 NO. they didn't. 7 No. they woni


Exercise 13

Students' cwn anjwers

Test 8B Units 18-20


Excrcise 1

1    She asked him who the clevcrest person in his dass was

2    SIm? asked het if she had enjoyed the book.

3    He asked her when stio was swing her fnends agam *1 She asked him if he was Irang with hrs uncle.

5    She asked him if he woukf sl»arc the puze money

6    He asked tire teacher i( they could loase carly

/ Ho asked l»e< what sIm? Uioughl of    frm

8    He asked her when the hus arrivcd

9    He asked her if they were go.ng to play tonnis later

10    Me asked htm if he had eaien al łhal cafć Excrcisc 2

1 sma» enough to cytlo 2 not nch enough to buy 3 not lit enough to run 4 too bosy to help S teo frightered to ask 6 not brave enough to try 7 too exoied to steep 8 not oid enough to dnve 9 teo young to visit 10 not old enough to get Exercise 3

1 goetsg 2 seemg 3 to help 4 to drive S eatinq 6 to see 7togwo 8 takftvg 9 to be lObstening


Exercise 4

la lew 2 loads 3somettme aksadsof Slotsof 6 about

7    some limo 8 a coupie of 9 ages 10 severat ycars Exercise 5

1 wonderlu 2 hungry 3 terrible 4 smal 5 ternfied Exercisc 6

The sca


Houses / buildmgs











Exercise 7

1    A Is it atl nght if I read your newspaper’

8 Sorry, l'm |ust gomg to read it

2    A Do you m nd if I watch tł»e news on TV’ 6 No, go ahead

Excrcisc 8


ic) 2 b) 3 a) 4c) Sc) 6c)


Exercise 9a)

A is front a story. B is about a famous book C is about a lamous woman.

Exercise 9b) b)

Exercise 9c)

1✓ 2 ? 3/ 4? S? 6/


Exercise 10

(Suggcsted amwer)

I K Rou/mg was born in 1965 in Gloocestershire She was educated at Exeter Uwversity Her first novel was Harry Potter and the Pf><fosopher's Stone whlch she wrote m 1997 A film of Harry ftotter and fhe PMoicpher s Słono was rnade m 2001 She won the ChildrenS Book of the Year award in 1997.

Review B Units 11-20


Exercise 1

1 use 2 would 3 telephoning 4 was 5 was seen 6 cold enough 7 marked 8 won't 9 had seen 10 to help Exercise 2

1    Haven't you learned to nde a fc<yc!e’

2    He's good enough to win an Oscar.

3    He toki me to tidy my room

4    it was too hot to sit in the garden

5    listen! fs there someone at the door?

6    She asked me where my friend was

7    Tłve film was so good that we saw it lwico.

8    The tickets cost too much so I didn't go

9    There were too many pocpio at Ute party.

10    Your book must be sornewhereExercisc 3

1 used lo s!eep'słepl 2 d<Kl like 3 d seen 4 walking 5 remember 6 saw 7 was buli 8wasbought 9 was lOhadbeen


Exercise 4

1 rełation 2 cnlertamer 3 BxVogy 4 distance 5 actor Exercise 5

1 great 2 loud 3 mean 4 unhelpful 5 silly Exercise 6

1 starving 2 victim 3 employmeni 4 choosy 5 fiee-ranoe 6outgomg 7cookmg 8card 9 tonęły 10asvard


Exercise 7

1 ifs not my fault. 2 Tell us a b.*. about yourself. 3 Don't be so lazyl 4 the only trouble is 5 There* nothmg I can do about it


Exercise 8a)

10 2 a) 3 0 Exercise 8b)

1/ 2 ✓ 3✓ 4/ SX 6X Exercise 8c)

In the middle of nowhere' means it wasn't near anywhetc Ose It wasrYt rear any big towns.


Exercise 9

Studenta own answers


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