36923 tests key 2 (2)

36923 tests key 2 (2)

as) New Snapshot Pre-lntermediate Key












1    A Would you mmd hdping w? lVe go? to cook

(&VKf for twpeople.

B No. notalall What are you makmg?

2    A wocCd you Tke me to speak to you- teacher?

6 Mo. dcn't worry i can do it myself.

3    A Shal I wash the d<ih« fo» y0u7

B    Yty pleas*. Thafs vwy kod of you.


Exercise 12a)


Exercisc 12b)

A = f

8    - E C-D

Exercise 12c)

ID 28 3 A 4F SC 6 £


Exercise 13

fSugg«fed answed Ouestion:

I sla-ted high school two months ago. My okJ friend from middle schód has gol rew friends now a ryj won't speak to me. I am very loody What can i do?


You should tiy to fuid some iww fr*nds. (Jon an after-school ckib cc try to chat to people at lunditenes) Your old friend is be'ng utkmd and may not realise how hurt and lonety you are

Review A Units 1-10


Exercise 1

1 a) "vc becn waiting 2 0 who 3 b) yisited i b) Tw 5 a) to cam 6 b) haven-t seen 7 c) 'm going 8a)washawng

9    b>help 10a)htHpmg Exordse 2

1 reading 2 Reed 3 do 4 done 5 under 6 hotter 7 wbere 8so 9becai.se 10 First Exercise 3

1 help 2 Y done 3 is sUying 4 'm playing 5 le(t 6 ’ve known 7 arnwd 8 haven't deaned 9 went 10 Have ... worked


Exercise 4

1 rood 2 coUar 3 forest 4 połluted S paramedtc 6 happiness 7 newspaper 8 meat 9 water 10 ches?

Exerclso 5

1 rwjhtmare 2 bonks 3 joumey 4 adcict 5 drown 6 pocket 7 dumsy 8 soamble 9 vKtim 10 expe;ion<c


Exerdso 6

1    WoukJ you lke a lift to school? f No. don't worry. i want to cyde.

2    l‘m tearning saka dancing. D How loog have you been dong that?

3    WeVe go? chocolate ice aeam A Yum. Sounds grcatl

4    Your dadS a reporter. isn't he? 8 Yes, thafs right

5    What happened? C The woman who was dristng gol out of the car.

6    Have you ever wanted to skP £ No. I haven't.

7    l’ve go? t'xkets for ihe coocert. H BnBiantl

8    I ddn't get the job. J Hard łucki

9    Woułd you Uk to come to the disco? G Yes. pfease. Sounds great1

10    i twisted my ankle I rt cou'd have oeen worse.



Exercise 7a)

la)    2 b>

Exorcise 7b)

1 / 2 X 3 X 4 X 5/ 6 X 7 X 8X


Excrcisc 8

(Suęgestcd tnswtr)

Big Band drumroer In acddent

Lou Disco, the drummer with 8ig 8and. was in hospttal aftec an acddent on a country road in Comwał. He was riding his motorcyde when it slid on somc ice on the road He went to hospttal in a frendY car. The doctors say that he is OK and that he will be home tomorrow.

Test 5A Units 11-12


Exercisc 1

1    Frań won': bc a: the parły

2    Helen might nc« come to the next tesson

3    They may go bowtog.

4    l'l go to the gytn tomorrow.

5    England won't win the World Cup.

Exercise 2

1 Yes, he wll. 2 They might. 3 I might 4 No. it won t 5 No. he won‘t Exercise 3

1 run; 'II catch 2 werk; won't pass 3 don'? eat wcn't be 4 go, li need S won't givo us a Ht; teiephore Exercise 4

1    Aren': you frightened of the dog?

2    Don't you Ifce cold pćza for brcakfast’

3    Haven't you seeo tne frst Harry Poner film?

4    Don't you know now to r-de 3 fcxke?

5    Haven't you ęot a mobłe phone’

Exercisc 5

1    The firn was madę last year.

2    ki Amenca films are cated mowes.

3    The books were v/ntten a hundred years ago.

4    The musie is tecorded.

5    The actors we.*e given the scrfpt Excrciso 6

1 are madę by 2 is transiated 3 was d rected by 4 is watdscd S was written by


Exercisc 7

1 shoulder 2 thumb 3 ankle 4 kree 5 tooth 6 mouth Excrcise 8

lb)    2b) 3a) 4c)

Exerdse 9

1 połte 2 rude 3 unfriendly 4 stupd S unhelpful 6 uncritical Exercisc 10


Exercise 11

1 Can you do me a favour? 2 The only thing is. 3 ThereY nothmg I can do about 4

Jn New Snapshot Pre-lntermediate Key

Exertise 12

(Suggnted ant»tr)

AThrs CO b scratched Cao you change rt for another or.e?

B We haven't got any lelt. Can I gw >«u a refund?

Exercisc 13

1 wat bul* 2 are used 3 n used


Exercise 14a)

lb) 2 a) 3 b)

Exercise I4b)



Exercise 15

<Svgge$ted aosAtr)

The Box Office Manager The Coeens Theatre Bristol

Dear $« or Madam.

Our schools musie and drama group would twe 12 ickets for kW>sr $żds Story on tSth October at the cheapest pnce Could you confirm H they are avatfabie?

We would Ifce to pay for the tkkets when we cołiect them Yours faithfuly.

Test 6A Units 13-15


Exercise 1

1 no one 2 nowhere 3 everything 4 rsothang 5 Ewyone


Excrcise 2

1 were; ‘d help 2 g«ve. 'd go 3 didn't have; ’d wal*. A wou'd ... do; won 5 cheated; woUdn‘t tęi. 6 "d boy; had Exercise 3

1 arwed; left 2 kncw; had rewsed 3 wrote; met 4 gol. had finbhed 5 lott; tełephoned 6 Hked. hadn‘t been Exercise 4

1 too many 2 not enough 3 not enough 4 too much S too much 6 too many Excrcisc S

i She asked Nick to send hcf a postcard.

/ She asked Nick to make same saodwsches (cc lunch

3    She told Nick not to leave his sbter atone in the house.

4    She asked Nick (to tct hei) about hb day at school.

5    She told Mck to be home for dmner.

6    She wanted Nck to set the tabic for dinncr.


Exerci$e 6

1 sympathetic 2 aggresswe 3 bossy 4 lood 5 qu*ck-t*mp*fed 6 serious 7 Stupid Exerdse 7

1 sensnive 2 heavy metal 3 txotiC 4 questons 5 mean 6 depressed 7 aggressNe Exercise 8

1 toJd 2 saki 3 asked 4 tod S said 6 asked


Exercise 9

1 H l were you. I‘d brirg it torroirow. 2 l need it today 3 Weil, why don't you telephone your dad? 4 ThatS a good idea. Exercise 10 1 Yes. it was. wasn‘t it.

2    Thanks for irwiting me.

3    ThatTs 0< I eryo/ed it too.

4Thank you ftx a kweły weekend l had a reaRy nice tcne.

5 You'r* sery welcome. I m glad you could come.

6So am L It was sery nx» to see you at< agam.

Reading Excrcise 11a)

i bł 2 0

Exercise 11b)

I got stuck n a tree 2 went to pnmary schód 3 met Naomi

4    had piano lessons 5 got a guitar 6 starter! a band

Exercisc 11c)

1 Yes. he was. 2 No, he dwKt 3 No. they weren’i 4 No, he doesnt 5 Yes. ho»she does


Exerci$e 12

Student*' own answen

Test 7A Units 16-17


Excrcise 1

1 ddn't use to h».« 2 Od use to work 3 used to think 4 ddnt use to own 5 used to catch Exercise 2

1    She used to fight with her brothef.

2    She used to hawc a ttddy cated Barnaby.

3    She d>dn't use to eat vegetables

4    She used to go to nursery schód

5    She used to płay with her pet rabbi

Exerdse 3

1    He sad such a stupkJ thing last night

2    The preser: was so beautilul

3    She bought such an expens.v* Computer.

4    They were such lowly flowers

5    We were so Ute we rrnsed the firn.

Excrcise 4

1    The musie is so kxid that I can't hea- you.

2    The/re such good friends that they go everywhere together

3    It was so warm yesterday that I ddn t wear a coat.

4    He was so angry that he had to leave the room.

5    U was so crowded that we went home

Excrcise 5

I I was from 2 were at leamlng 3 l was wort;mg 4 'd travei'ed Shadamwd 6 he hadn't wited 7she'dbeen 8hecoufdn't r emember 9 he was gowg home 10 l was surę Permy would


Exercise 6


Vcrbal noun (-inq form)

Noun (-er form)

1 farm

2 farming


3 wplore


4 erplorer


5 painting

6 panter

7 cook


8 cooker

Exercise 7

1 pamter 2 paint 3 cook 4 Cookng/Pahlng S expk>re 6 farmer Exercise 8

1 experrnent 2 informator 3 performance 4 relatior 5 Biology

Exercise 9

i roam 2 progfammer 3 setóer 4 fie S cooker



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