
Pyw nnpłantca cefe in Janet Hvrt wouJcł onabie her to grow amomoo lo communicato wrfth insects. Ttw antennaocefcł ried earty In hcr



Janet Van Dynę


Adventurer. fashion designer


Avengers Mansion, New York City: CresskiH, New Jersey: later Oxford, England


HEIGHT 5 ft 4 in WEIGHT 110 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Aubum


The Waspfc bioetoctric "stings” can in«ct pan on even sięertłumanfy strong focs.


Janct toki Pytli shc was determincd to bring hcr fathers killcr to justice. Impresscd, Pyni nrwalcd his idcntity as Ant-Man and Hj ofFcrcd to endow hcr with superhuman M abilitics and make hcr his crimefighting partner. Janet agreed and becanie thcWasp. W\A Pytli taught her to usc gas containing

subatomic “Pym particlcs” to shrink hcrsclf ™- and regain noniial sizc. I Ic also implantcd* cclls bencath her shouldcrbladcs chat enabled hcr at inscct sizc. Ant-Man


Tales to Astonish $44 (June 1963)

77ir fun-loring Wasp rnjoyed leasing her jtariner Henry Pym, here in Giant-Man imuie.

Abikty to shrink in sizo down to a han inch in height. Whon tho Wasp ts 4 ft. 2 in. or lass in height. wings appear from her body, onabtog hor to fty. Con dtecharge btoełecthc forco borts from her łtands.

to grow wings

and the Wasp duły dcfcatcd the Pym and Janct also tell in lovc. It was Pym who suggested that be, the Wasp, the Hut k. Ikon Man» and 1'hor band together, and Janet who suggested the name "The Avenc:fks.”

A STORMY Marriage

Pym adopted other costumed identities, Giant-Man atid Goliath, and then an altemate. aggrcssive personality namedYcllowjackct. Rcalizing that he was still Pym,Janct married him anywav, and he soon regained his true personality. Pym latcr had a nervous breakdown, and lic and Janet were divorccd: howevcr time liealcd the rift and the bccame friends. and evcntually lovcrs, once morę.

Over the ycars tlić Wasp s powers have altcrcd. Shc can now changc size by niemal command. and vary in sizc anywhcrc between inscct size and her nornial height. Whereas shc formcrly used wcapons callcd "wasp s stings.” shc can now project bioclcctricity

Janot Van Dynę bnotiy used hor size-changffig powers to grow to gigantic aze, bot 9000 went back to fighting evil as lho Wasp.


•    Avengers *50-60

Janet Van Dynę marńes Henry Pym in his new Ycflowjacket idontrty.

•    Avengers »214-219 Janet Van Dyno dNorces Honry Pym and becomes Avcngers chairman.

•    Avcngers *270-277 In hec finał mtssion as chairman. Wasp leads Avengers n thwartmg Masters ot Ev<^ takoovor of Avengers Mansion.


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