EternalSun 262 Eternals 57, 72. 82. 87.

95,    103. 107, 109. 139, 142. 156. 160. 185,215. 222. 274, 285. 300

Eternity 77. 96 186 Excalibur 53.61. 70, 72.

96,    153. 168, 187,211. 212. 290. 328

Excelsior 75. 152. 308 Executioner 70. 94. 96. 187 Exiles 31.40. 97, 132. 180, 206. 212. 282 Exodus 97 Externa!s 97. 111


Factor Three 27. 62 Falcon 23. 29. 55. 98. 224. 278

Falcona 142

Fallen Angels 79. 189. 291 Faltmes 85,312 FancyDan 95 Fandral 113.322 Fantastic Five 282 Fantastic Force 247.317 Fantastic Four 47. 62. 79. 81.87. 88. 100-1. 104. 106. 117. 137. 173. 179, 186. 190. 194-5. 197. 198. 223. 228. 236. 256. 258. 271. 281,291,292.299. 310. 317. 329 Fantomex 324 Fear Lords 89. 289 Fem-Force 182 Fenris 98 Feral 98 FerrisTwins 313 Fire-Eater 64 Firebird 98

Firelord 91.99 121. 131. 281

Firestar 23. 99. 210 Btzroy. Trevor 313 Fixer 49. 74. 190, 304 Flag-Smasher 78, 99 Flaming Star 222 Batman 117 Bock, the 168 Bux 102

Ftying Dutchman 165 Foolkiller 102 Force Works 60.102. 283. 332

Forge 43.103. 337

Forgotten One. The 95.103 Fortunato, Don 126 Fortune. Dominie 269 Foster. Jane 157 Four Freedom's Plaża 75 Frankensteina Monster 103. 165

Franklin. Mattie see Spider-Woman Freak 132 Freebooter 12 Freedom Force 41.46. 68. 121.203. 236. 282. 283 Freedom ’s Five 222 Frenzy 10

Friends ot Humanity 71 Frigga 27,113 Frightful Four 57. 91. 100.

104. 189. 307, 329 Frog-Man 104. 162 Frost. Deacon 40. 157 Frost. Emma 27. 59. 93. 99. 104. 109. 123, 130. 229.264.337 seealso White Oueen Frost Giants 148. 169 Fu Manchu 263. 268. 342 Funny face 282 Fury, Jacob 18,343 Fury. Nick 28. 55. 60. 68. 88. 89. 105. 133. 151. 252.

256. 283. 317, 343 see also SHIELD Futurę Man 10


Gaea 107. 113,115.302 Galactus 10. 77. 91. 100. 106. 116. 121, 141.144. 148. 159. 186.210. 247. 262. 270-1. 279. 309. 310. 322

Gambit 47,107, 249. 334. 337

Gamesmaster 138,313 Gamma Flight 11 Gamora 107.224 Ganymede 148 Gardener 91.107 Gargoyle 108 Garokk 108,342 Gateway 108. 243 Gatherers 72,109 Gathering of Five 175 Gaunt 290.307 Geb 114 Gee 227

GemGuild 214 Gerrmi 109. 343 Gene Nation 52, 200 GenerationX 27. 104. 108.

109. 111. 138. 163.231 Genesis 72.109 GeneTech 228 Genis-Vell 56. 57, 223. 285.

292 see also Captain Marvel Genoshans 110 Ghaur 110,315 Ghost 284

Ghost Rider 95.110. 166.

175. 190.315.342 Giant-Man 22. 23.111. 187, 206. 237. 283. 323 Gideon 111 Giganteans 288 Gilgamesh 103 Giri 35

Gladiator 90. 93.111. 266-7

Glenn. Heather 111

Glob 111. 163

Gloria Grant 117

Glorian 111

Goblin Oueen 206

Goblyn 76.221

Gods of Asgard 27, 77. 98.

112-13. 156. 169 Gods ot Heliopolis 114.328 Gods of Olympus 77.115 131.222,300 Godwulf 77. 206 Goidbug 116 Golddiger 116 Golden Archer 82,116. 284 Goliath 21.22.23. 128.237. 291.304. 323 see also Pym. Hank. Hawkeye. Atlas Gorgon 117. 142 Grandmaster 66. 91.116.

159, 165.210, 242. 279 Grant. Gloria 117 Grasshopper 117. 342 Graviton 21.117 Great Beasts 277, 324 Great Gambonnos 64 Great Lakes Avengers 24.

117. 176, 196. 342 Green Goblin 95.118-19. 132, 139. 215. 248. 256. 281. 282, 285, 300. 307 Green skin 244 Gremlin 108.120 278. 307 Grey Gargoyle 120 Grey. Jean 49. 73.122-3, 152. 290. 336 Grigar 59 Grim Hunter 160 Grim Reaper 38,120. 164.

165. 181.208. 332 Grimm. Ben 136-7,144, 186. 194-5. 225.301 see also Thing, The Grizzly 273 Guardian 11.120,317 Guardians of the Galaxy 121.

159. 187. 286 Guardians of the Sacred Guardsman 121 Guardsmen 284 Gyps 343

Gyrich. Henry 23. 98. 103, 121.212


Hale. Montague 278 Haller. Gabrielle 126.164. 230

Hammer and Anvil 259 Hammer Harrison 95 Hammer. Justin 40. 41. 43. 126. 147.284

Hammerhead 43. 126. 176 Hammerhead family 176 Hand. The 92.127, 139. 287 Harker. Jonathan 86 Harker, Ouincy 40. 86. 87. 315

Harkness. Agatha 47,127 247

Harpoon 184 Harpy 26. 35 Harrow. Dr. Jonas 126 Harvest 293 Hastings. Louise 198 Hate-Monger 278.342 HatutZeraze 326 Havok 46. 73,127. 167. 196, 225, 256. 334. 337 Hawkeye 22, 23. 24. 39.

71, 116. 128. 129. 161. 196.291,304 He Who Remains 306 Headmen. The 129 Heathen 220 Heavy Mettle 308 Hebe 115 Hecate 339

Heliopolis. Gods of see Gods of Heliopolis

Hellcat 23. 78. 108.129.

130.165. 173 Hellfire 299

Hellfire Club 59. 93. 99. 104. 123.130. 151. 199.

243. 253. 264.291.313. 328

Helfgate 315

Hellions 59. 72. 93. 99. 104.

130. 151. 208.210 Hell's Belles 72 Hellstrom 129.130.208 Hellstrom, Daimon see Son of Satan Hepzibah 286 Her 25 Hera 115, 131

Hercules 22.23, 77.91.115, 131.303

Hero for Hire see Cage. Lukę Heroes for Hire. Inc. 145 High Evolutionary 130. 176.

181, 193. 283.307.321 Hill, Maria 252 Him 25.94

Hobgoblin 33.132. 163.

266-7. 281 Hoder 27. 112 Hodge. Cameron 132. 246. 279

Hogan, Happy 132. 225 Hogun 90.113, 275. 322 Holocaust 67. 97.132, 273 Home Base 228 Homo Mermanus 20. 21.


Hoodwink 273 Homet 133. 247 Horus 114 Hotshot 248 HouseofM 331 Howard the Duck 80. 133. 154, 293

Howling Commandos 28. 89, 133. 151.256

Hulk.The 35. 57. 61.62. 68. 78. 80. 84. 102. 108. 111, 116. 120.134-5. 145. 150. 152. 163. 167. 169. 181. 192. 193. 197.210.217. 223, 224. 228. 234. 243. 248. 249. 265. 275. 276. 279. 284.298.303,310.315. 316. 327. 343 Hulkbusters 244, 249 Humań Cannonball 64 Humań By 259 Humań Top 325 Humań Torch 10. 24. 55. 58. 72. 90. 100-1. 104.

136-7. 143. 165. 195. 207. 224, 247,273. 281,

282. 292.301.311.

319, 328. 329 Huntara 138 Hunter. Steve 138


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