vibro 27

vibro 27

BREATHJNG WHEN EXERCIS-ING—Do not hołd your broath dur-ing ANY cxerci*e. I-earn to brcathc emaily and naturally during cvcn thc hardcBt fcat. This mattcr of right brcathing i* aa important to you while buildmg up your body aa it i8. for instance, to tho singer mas-tcring the technifjue of ainging. Actually, your brcathing plays an important part in the performance of an excrcise or fcat of strength just as the way you conlrol your muRcłcR plays a part,

PURE AIR SU PPL Y — When in-doora. day or night, make ccrtain that you arc gett ing a aupply of fresh, pure air. Kecp your rooms well vcntilnted . . . always. If you can’t keep the windowa open ut nil times, open them freguently and al-low stale air to get out and fresh air to get in. Of coursc, you ahould open your Windows widc at night. U Sc suflłclent bed clothing to keep warm . . . not window glass to keep the air out! The impurity of "night air” is a morę superatition. Alao, don’t fcar minor draft*. They can't hurt you. And, of coursc, get out-doora into the air and sunshine as often as poasiblc.

The Anatomical Chart of the Respiratory Syatcm that accompanics this Lecturc identiftca thc main components of the Respiratory System in relation to the rest of the body. ‘‘Know Your Body" should be n motto evcr be foro you. Through another Anatomical chart that wiłl appear next week in your Body* Facts I>ecture you will become com-plctely familiar with the important muscles within your body.

With this knowłodge you can morę intelligently carry out my exercises. knowing just why you are doing them and how they link together to give you all-'round physical perfcc-tlon.


A lew minules a day invcsled in your body will pay you big divtd?nd*

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS CORRECT POSTURĘ — Your hcalth, your energy, the impresston you make upon others . . . even your mcntal outlook . . . arc affected by the way you carry yourseif . . . thc way you stand, walk and sit. There are many times, where just by right posturę you can dominate the situa-tion. By your posturę you can ex* press your entire personality in your poise and sclf-confidence.

Start right now ... and notę what it does to you! your spine, puli in your abdomen, lift up your chest. puli your chin back, plant your feet firmly on the ground, wcight on thc balls of your feet "ready to spring," brcathc decply. Notice how, nt once, your shouldcrs go back in a military manner, how your head is carried high . . . how auch a simplc, but important action, can change your entire bearing!

Consciously chcck yourseif on your posturę throughout the day. Soon it will become "second naturę" to carry yourseif eorrectly.

PROPER SLEEP—There are a fcw generał rules that should be fol-iowed on this subject: get EIGHT HOURS sleep every night. You know what timc you must get up, so go to bed eight or nine hours before that timc. If there is no good rea-son, such as working hours, why you shouldn’t go to bed at 10:30 to 11 o‘clock every night then adopt this schedule. If you now suffer from insomnia, this course of train-ing will have as one of its clTccts the overcoming of this great drain upon your vitality. You will learn how to re!ax from nervous and mui-cular tension. Your ncw habits will contribute to insuring sound sleep and rest.



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