Prosenting Basic Health Facto and Ana-tomical Knowlodgo for the lmproved Dovolopmonf of Physiquo, Vital* iły and Persona! Power
Ali the muscles of your body nre held togcther by Connective-Tmuc, and aro joined to the bonos bv a very atrong tianue known aa TENDON. The boncs themsclves arc United by a aomewhat atmilar form of tisaue known as LIGAMENT.
Almoat every joint in your body is controllcd by the pląys of ANT AGON ISTIC MUSCLES. Thosc «crvc the double function of keeping your bonea in their propor poaition, and of producing movement at the joint*.
In the diagram, ih the upper right of the next page, notę how the amount
and ttrength of your movcmenta arc cońtrolled by the MUSCLES and LIGAMENTS which bind the bonea together. The morę DEVELOPED your muscles, the grouter POWER and RESISTANCE in every mov«-ment you make.
Hou Central Mnucular Actndltf Ctm-tribults to Health and Strenath. • Not only is it important that your heart should be roady to stand the strain of emcrgoncics. but it ais© must be kept in condition for the htrenuous work of cveryday life.
A strong, perfectly functioning heart ts a fundamenta! ncccssity to every-one. No matter what your job ia in Hfe . . . whether mental or phyaica) . the heart must be strong enough to withstand t.he endless demnnds upon it.
Eailure to tukę proper exerclsc leada to a deterioration in the atrength and endurunec of your heart. The blood flow beeomes sluggish . . . and you feel the rcsulls in listlessncss and laek of energy.
Muacular aetivity is the only thing which can be depended upon to in-crease the work of the heart, giving you morę pep, increased vigor . . . and a kecner desire to enjoy the worthwhile things in life.