Prescnling Basic Health Facts and Ana-tomical Knowlcdgc for tho lmproved Development of Physique, Vital* iły and Persona! Power
U** S&uac* oj A*tł**ę M**<ir44laA
Oxygcn is the very brcath of human Ufo. Without it you cannot live. You Hve in proportinn to the umount of oxygen your body receives through your breathing. The average person, because of faulty breathing, cheals his bodv of energy-producing oxy-gen. Only one-fifth of thr air's eon-tent is oxygen, thcrefore you must breathe correctly to obtuin tho fuli beneficia! effects which this vital element can bring to your body.
Observance of a few basie rules will insure your breathing correctly to obtain sufficient oxygen to supply the needs of your body,
Correct breathing, in addition, aids tho right developmcnt of chent and the whole Jung cavity, as woli as giving you better skin coloring.
Ix*t's see how oxygen aida you to iive. The oxygcn in the uir you in-hale is fi rat (lrawn in by the lungs, and frnm there is absorbed by the blood stream. Tin; blood In turn car* riea this oxygen throughout the body to nourish the tissues.
It will he scen from this discussion how v»tftl oxygen is . , . how impor-lant is correct breathing. For correct breathing is the only way oxy-gen can be supplicd in sufficient quantitiea to aid bullding up musełe tissue
CORRECT BREATHING— First, do not violently auck air into the Junga and violently błow it out.
Breathe naturally but decply . . . so deeply that with evcry intakc of air thcrc is an cxnnnsion at your dia-phragm just belo w your ribs, as well aa a chcst exnansion. This is called "obdominal breathing." You should feel as though you were drawing air right down into your stornach. If you do this dcep breathing nroperly, the chnst expands naturally without need for Ktraining muscularly to raise the cheat.
In tinwj, this morę officient, decjier breathing will piny its part in build-ing a poworful cneat with greater lung cnpacity . . . overcoming that fiat. narrow ehested look. Immedi-atcly, it will have the olTect of add-ing to your nonnal cnergy supply.
Inbnle through the nostrils . . . un-less this is prevent.ud by a nasal oh-struction, which should be brought to the attention of your physician.
Exhale through the mouth. Herc is a simple "gamę" to plav that will help you deveIop the l.abit of deop breafbing: When you are outdoors walking, keep taking in air . . . ałl the way down to the stornach . . . while you are taking ten sleps. Then exhale for the next ten ateps