Diagnostyka - Applied Structural Health, Usage and Condition Monitoring’ 3(63)/2012 Cholewa, Amarowicz, Management Of Reąuirements For Developed Diagnostic Systems


appropriatc reąuirements. Simply. the essence of this reąuirement acąuisition approach is the assumption tliat the problem can be sohed by claiming the examined diagnosed system is a virtual Client in a reąuirement negotiation process. Here. the Client is reprcsenled with an expert system whose knowlcdge base is written down as inultimodal statement network.

Finally. determining morphological table elements with multiinodal statement networks is reduced to a reasoning process in which reąuirements describing a developed diagnostic system are resohed based on known facts on a technical object and a domain in which the diagnostic system is applied.


Described herein are selected results of study. supported partly frorn the budget of Research Task No. 4 implemented under the strategie program of The National Centre for Research and Development in Poland entitled "Advanced technologies of generating energy”.


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Wojciech CHOLEWA, head of the Department of Fimdamentals of Machineiy Design. Silesian University of Technology, has developed    artiflcial

intelligence methods and techniąues duc to fuzzy and approximatc knowledge representation for technical diagnostics applications as well as supporting processes of machinę design and engineering. He has advanced the theoiy of expert systeins based on statement networks and object inverse models.

Marcin AMAROWICZ. PhD student. Department of Fundamentals of Machinery    Design,

Silesian University of Technolog}-, has focused on artiflcial intelligence methods and techniąues and their applications in technical diagnostics. Moreover, his research interests include reąuirements acąuisition and estimation due to risk analysis for technical diagnostic system design.


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