vibro 48

vibro 48

continua! tired feeling which oftcn follows the improper digestion of food. If you fccl that you cannot work or thmk clearly after meals, you will noticc how thc Exercise Movements will gradually banish thi* - - improving your output of work.

Everything bccomcs easicr . . . you will beeomo moro cnthusiastic nbout evcrything you do . . . and surely you’11 ngrec that cnthusiaam is ono of thc fundamenta! characteristics of thone who succced in lifc.

MUSCULAR ACTIVITY i* the one agent which inereasen the depth and frequency of the RESPIRATORY MO VEM EN TS.

Correct and regular exercise incrcaae your respiratory movement8, contrib-uting to the grenter mobility of your ribs and to the better ventilation of your lunga.

This nids thc supply of »xygcn brought to cvcry part of thc body by thc blood. You will remember how the importanee of correct brcathing was emphasized in Lecture No. 1. Now you can sec how the Excrcl$c Movc-merita aid your brcathing, to givc you ncw health, vitality and strongth.

During vigorous exercise all parta of your lunga are used, and the dangers attendant upon thc incomplete use of the lungs are avoidcd.


Muacular activity is *o essential to achieve and keep superb health, abounding cncrgy, and powcrful strength for the fulier cnjoymcnt of life . . . that your ability to be mus* cularly active should be conserved at all costs.

You should not only keep in practice by making your Training Session* a dally habit . . . but you should avoid all conditiona which are unfavorable to it.

(>ver smoking, cxccas drinking and eating, lato hours, Inek of slecp, and generał uncteanliness, are the great-est cvll*. Theac lower your vitality, rob you of health and atrength-giving energie*. Thcy should be abolished from your way of living as much as possible.

Now study the MUSCLE LOCA-TION CHAltT on pages 48 and 49. In this graphic, anaiytical iIIustra-tion arc the locations of all the vital musclcs in thc body. Notę how each group of musclcs ta balanced by an ANTAGONISTIC GROUP. This is important, bccause in thc ordinnry way, many groups are rarely excr-ciscd, as gravity usually pulla the limbs down after one set haa raised them.



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