Gorgiem neck-protecting nrmour Guaite militia obligation to defend city walls Gualdane raiding tactics Guarnarra a coat
Guastatori ilu* infantry used to ra\age enemy territory (literally ‘spoilers’)
Guelf supporter of the Papacy in quarrels with the Emperor
Haubnb a coat of mail
Indumentum a ‘suit’ of three garments
Intmda an undergarment for the upper part of the body
Itwenes inferioris artisan and worker sections of urban society
Lameria coat-of-plates body armonr
Lanzelongbe long infantry spears
Lorica mail hauberb
Magistn balistarum a ‘master crossbowman’ who supemsed the constmction, maintenance and repair of crossbows Manaria \var-axe
Mn ni lingę mail sleeves covering the hands Mnnirn di ferm iron gauntlets Mantellnm overcoat Marinella beli on a rarrorrio Ma nu cen sliort coat of Sardinian origin Mnsehern face protection, usually of mail Masnada foliowing of a military leader Miles; m Hit es kniglus, later including the wealthier urban middle class
Monstra registration where soldiers present tbemselves, their followers and their horses at a military encampment Xai*cschi Siena’s gnild-based goYcrning body. composed of nine (nove) members
Nut a rcYoh ing piece set into the stock of a crossbow ubieli releases the bowstring Osbergum mail bnuberk Padiglione mail a\ en taił
Paio di rnrnzze leather cuirass or coat-of-plates
Panrenn smaller form of mail armonr
Pantera light wagon used to construct field fortifications
Par pełli urn an oeercoat
Partiginnn staff-weapon
Paterfamilia technical head of a family, recognised by law
Pavesań infantrymen with a large mantlet-shield
Pnvese tali mantlet-shield which was rested on the ground
Pedites infantry
Pelles o\ercoat
Pelliccin short coat
Pennto specialised staff-weapon with a hook on one side, similar to the ronco Pennonień junior officers Perpunto quilted soft armonr Piatini piąte armour
Pieve group of parishes in the Florentine contado Pilurica rough, coarse-wool garments worn by the poor Pinions flights of a crossbow bolt (arrow)
Podesta paid ofTicial reeruited to ‘rule’ an urban or rural community
Podestańle an urban police district under the control of the Podesta,
Popolo rule by the non-aristocratic, urban middle class (the popolani)
Popolo Grasso members of greater guilds Popolo Minuto members of minor guilds
Posse militia formation charged with maintaining law and order
Priori gnild-based governing body in Florence, composed of the wealthier citi/ens
Pmvost official in charge of maintaining law and order Pu gna infantry militia training exercise (hiarrel crossbow bolt (arrow) with a four-sided head Renonis a short coat
Ribaldi those who manned siege engines (literally ‘ruffians’) Ricordi books of family advice and particulars, passed on between generations Rocca a castle in a raised location Ronco; mneone bill or staff-weapon Ronzini pack horses Rotella smali round shield Rumor military alarm or summons Salinę measure of Yolume (equi\'alcnt to eight barrels)
Scagni a pedestal to support larger types of crossbow Scudai shield-makers Sc u den shield carrier Scudo generał term for a shield
Senńlia debila military obligation owed by citizens to the State Sesto Florentine city quarter
Signona aristocratic rule under one man (a signore)
Sorietas militum the ‘society of kniglus’, a political faction Societas peditum the ‘society of foot soldiers’, a political faction Sorietas popali the ‘society of the people’, a political faction Societates armorum armed militia companies Soldien poor men who took the place of wealthier militiamen for payment Spadaccino a light-infantry foot soldier Spadaro sword-maker Spallieie shoulder protectors Spiedo jaYelin or infantry spear Spingarda large cross bo w-type siege weapon Spontone, spuntone short infantry spear Springald see spingarda
Stipendia militum obligation for militia senice
Stipendiań ‘foreign’ professional troops on a city’s payroll
Strapecta quilted soft-armour worn on the torso
Tabulaceiaii shield carriers
Tabulaccio large shield
Tacca an archer’s thumb ring
Tallin militum tax paid instead of militia senice
Targa a smali shield
Tavolacciai shield-makers
Terra de areubus crossbow rangę
Torre urban or rural fortified tower
Tmmbetta militar\r trumpet
Tubatores official trumpeters of a comune
Tunica long shirt, almost to the knees, for men
Yagineri scabbard and sheath-makers
Valvassoń knights
Yastatoń see guastatori
Yendetta officially recognised system of controlled Yengeance Yenticinquina militia unit of twenty-fiYe men Yerga sardesca infantry7 jaYelin of Sardinian origin Yessilli militia unit with nominał allegiance to a particular banner (vexillum)
Yexillum military unit banner
Yiretoni crossbow bolt designed to spin in the air
Xurteń night-watch militia companies in Palermo
Zuppa; zupone, zuparane quilted armour (from the Arabie jubbah]