Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 047

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 047

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Have you ever madÄ™ dinner?




Household jobs

2 Recall Write

breakfast/lunch/dinner on the board and ask Ss to supply the missing verb. Show them the example in the book and ask them to write the words from the box in the correct spaces. They can compare in pairs before checking their answers in the Word bank page 131.

wilh time auverb»ai;> ever, never, already. just, yet Vocabulary Household jobs

Get started

1 Do you agree wrth any of these statements? Why/Why not?

•    Housework is a waste of time.

•    A tidy home means a tidy mind.

•    A messy room is the sign of a creative mind.

2 Recall Complete the phrases with the words in the box. Then check the Word bank on page 131.

• empty • do (x 7) • make (x 2) • tidy • take • wash • lay

1    mÄ™kÄ™ hrpnkfast fi

2 _the bed    7

3 _the car    8

4    _the cleamng 9

5    the ironmg    10


the ruhhish nut 11

the table    12

the vacuuming 13 the washing 14 the washing-up

ynur rnom the cooking the shoppmg the dishwasher

3 29 Do the quiz. Then check your answers in the key.

Answer key

2 make 3 wash 4 do 5 do 6 take 7 lay 8 do 9 do 10 do 11 tidy 12 do 13 do 14 empty

Are you a domestic

or mgłłtmare?

Optional Extra

Write on the board: Who makes the beds in your house? I do./My mum does.

Point out the 3rd person verb change before putting Ss in pairs to ask and answer questions about household duties, using the verb/noun phrases in Exercise 2. Conduct a brief teedback by asking one or two Ss about their partner.

U you your bed today?

A No, I    it , but NI do it later.

B Yes, I . I do it every day.

C No, I    . I don't usually bother.

B How many times you    your

room in the last month? Be honest.

Al    it cit ciii.

B I    it once or twice, I think.

C Three or four times. I try to do it regularly.

â–¡ Some friends    the afternoon

at your house. They    and the

place Å‚s a mess. Who will do the cleaning?

A NI do the washing-up and the vacuuming. B My mum or dad will do it.

0 Your mum    home

late from work. What do you say?

A 'Where    you ? Im hungry.'

B 'I    a snack. Would you


Quiz: lighthearted quizzes are a common feature of teenage magazines.


3    1.29 Ask Ss to say where they might see this text (in

a magazine) and to comment on the picture. Ss read silently. They work individually to choose their answers. When they finish, they can check their score at the bottom of the page.


4    Pairs compare their answers and discuss what jobs

they do around the house. Remind them to use the vocabulary from Exercise 2. Ask Ss to say how many points they had with a show of hands. Do they think the quiz answers are true? Are boys lazier than girls?

C I II pay my little brother to do it.

â–¡ you    dinner for the


A No, my mum or dad usually does the cooking.

B I can make a salad, but I a family meal.

C Yes, of course I . I cooking twice this week.



Ss silently read the sentences in the box. Then ask some individuals to read aloud. Write the first example on the board and ask Ss to identify the main verb and the auxiliary verb. They then continue with the other sentences. Elicit the form of the present perfect simple tense (hawe + past participie) and when we use it. Tell the Ss that you are going to look at how the words in bold add meaning to this tense.

Ss can work in pairs to complete the rules.

In checking, ask Ss What kmds of sentences include yet? (guestions and negatives).

like some?'

C 'Hi. What time are we going to eat?' Key

1 A1 B2 CO 2 A0 B1 C2 3 A2 BO C1 4 A0 B1 C2 5 A0 B2 C1

8-10 Wow! You’re a domestic dream! Have you been completeły honest?

5-7 You aren t too bad at housework. but you still need some help.

0-4 Hmmm You need lots morÄ™ practice Are you a bit lazy?

Answer key

just, already, ever, never, yet


5 Recall Remind Ss of the participles they underlined. Ask them to identify what is special about those in the box (they are irregular). Ss can write the past participles in their notebooks and then check with the Irregular verbs list. They may find it easier to write the three forms - buy, bought, bought.

Answer key

See Irregular verbs list on pages 142-143 in SB and 160-161 in this TB.



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