Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 086

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 086



4a Complete the text with the past passive form of the verbs.

Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook 'was founded (found) in 2004. whcn Mark Zuckcrbcrg wao a studont at Harvard college. American students often receive year books (‘face books) with information about the other students. However. Zuckerberg and his friends

?_(not give) one. so he decided to create

his own face book' online. The website

3_(use) only by students. and people

outside schools and colleges1 2 3 4 5 (not invite) to join at first.

Then Zuckerberg 6_(offer) $500.000 by

a businessman to develop the site and he decided to leave Harvard. He c _ (inspire) by another Harvard student - Bill Gates.

Soon. Facebook7 ___ (sponsor) by some very big companies. In 2008, morÄ™ than 60 million users e. (register) on Facebook, and Mark Zuckerberg was ‘the world's youngest bilÅ‚ionaire’.

Exam link: communication

Give and react to opinions

5 30 Listen and repeat. Then practise the conversation in pairs.

A: I think social networks are fantastic.

B: l'm afraid I don’t agree. I think people spend too much time on them.

A: I know what you mean, but they‘re a great way to stay m touch with friends.

B: Yes. but people don‘t see each other anymore.

Give opinions

•    I (don’t) think ...

In my opinion,...

I love/can‘t stand/prefer...

React to opinions: agree

•    I know,...

Yes. you’re right/that s true.

â–  I agree.

I think so. too.

React to opinions: disagree

I don t think so.

(I*m afraid/sorry. but) I don*t agree/l disagree.

•    I know/see what you mean. but...

Actually, I think you're wrong.

6    Work in pairs. Discuss these statements. One agree and the other disagree, with reasons.

1    Children under twelve shouldn’t have mobiles.

2    Nobody needs to write letters any morÄ™.

3    The Internet has reptaced libraries.


7    Read Andy and Chrissy's opinions on page 68 again. Then write your own comment about social networks.

Extra practice

For morÄ™ practice, go to page 125. ^ o ^

6    Ss can discuss these in pairs. Weaker groups will benefit from spending some time preparing their ideas and adding morÄ™ reasons for their opinions.


7    Ask Ss to look back at the photos in this lesson and the text in Exercise 2. Then they should decide who they agree with and write their own comment. These can be read aloud so that other rnembers of the class can use the language of reacting and agreeing or disagreeing.

Extra practice

Ss go to page 125 in the SB.


b Ss will probably need to write the questions before moving into pairs and practising the exchanges.

Answer key

2 Who was it created for? It was created for Harvard students. 3 Which people weren’t included at first? People outside schools and colleges weren’t included at first.

4 How much money was Zuckerberg offered? He was offered $500,000. 5 Who was he inspired by? He was inspired by Bill Gates.

Exam link: communication

Give and react to opinions

5 2.30 Ask Ss to listen to the conversation and then chorally repeat it in sections. Use open pairs across the class and then closed pairs, to practise the dialogue.

Read through the ways of giving opinions and choose a familiar topie such as food or celebrities for Ss to improvise continuations.


/ dnn 't th/nk ni773 i? nine.

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Unregistered version



b Ask and answer the questions. Use the past passive form of the verbs.



A: When was Facebook founded?

B: It was founded in 2004.




   Which people/not include/at first?


   How much money/Zuckerberg/offer?




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