Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 195

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 195


& ^ r’A i

1 Complete the phrases with make or do.

My parents nave been married




6    The


many years.


has been on

' / v"^'' cK;w^en. last summer.






a mess nothing ar exam a decision some shopping

7    She’s had that dress

8    The lunch has been ready

her birthday.

_hall an hour.

Score: /8

Score: 76

2    Replace a word in each sentence with the correct form of make or do.

0    !'m going to tekÄ™ a course in medicine.    do

1    John. finish your homework!    _

2    My mum prepared a cake. it was deticious. _

3    We tried our best but lost    _

Score: /6

3    Complete the sentences with for or siÅ„ce.

0    l‘ve been in London for three years.

1    He’s lived in Morocco_September.

2    The children have had that toy_three months.

3    I haven’t seen him_this morning.

Wrlte sentences using the present perfect and for or sińce.

0    We live in Leeds. We moved here m 1987.

We Ye liYrtJaJ.Qrts.mę&J£$L

1    I had long hair when l was a child

and still do!    _

2    They arrived at 7 p.m.

It is now 9 p.m.    _

3    I bought this bag in June.__

4    We play tennis together.

We started in 2004.    _

5    She stopped eating

meat two years ago. _

Score: 75

Total: 725

TEST 5A Student B

Score: 76

1 Complete the phrases with make or do

0    do a course

1    _some exercise

2    _a cup of tea

3    _a mistake

4    _some shopping

5    _a noise

6    _your best

2    Replace a word in each sentence with the correct form of make or do.

0    Tm going to tekÄ™ a course in medicine.    do

1    Shail I pour a cup of coffee?    _ j

2    Sally became friends with Jess.    _ i

3    Look at this mess you’ve created!    _

Score: /6 |

—~———■ i

3    Complete the sentences with for or siÅ„ce.

0    l've been in London for three years,

1    He’s been married_two years.

2    The children have been playing__breakfast time.

3    I haven't seen my sister_last Christmas.

4    John has worked for the company_1997.

5    She’s had the ticket_last Wednesday

6    They’ve been on holiday_two weeks.

7    I haven t eaten_three hours ago.

8    The car hasn't worked_a long time.

[Score: /8

4 Write sentences using the present perfect and for or siÅ„ce.

0    We ltve in Leeds. We moved here in 1987.

We Ve lived in Leeds sińce 1967.

1    I got a dog when I was young.

he’s still brilliant.    __

2    They came at 5 p.m.

It's now 10 p.m.    _*

3    I got onthebusat lOa.m.

I’m still on the bus.    _,

4    We became friends in 2003._,

5    She stopped playing the

guitar in 2002.    _»

j Score: 75 J Total: 725 I

196 Photocopiable © Pearson Education (2009)


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