Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 116

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 116

Tue 14:16


Weil, l'm justback from three wceks at summcr camp. I was too husy to blog there! Although it's grcat to bc home agairt, l'm already planning to go back next year.

Il was a sports camp and I mostly played basketball. There were sonie really good coaches and I leamt a lot. I madÄ™ a lot of new friends and we played some fantastic games.

It was certainly ncver boring. Check out the photos!

canoe gameÄ…pg


Tue 20:31


Hi Rick,

I like the pies! I'm at a Performing Arts camp this year. It's been a lot of fun - I can't believe il's nearly time lo go home. I wish I could stay longer. We've l>een p repa ring for a big show and we're performing it tomorrow. Pm one of the dancers, and I have to sing as well. Å‚t's really ex< iting. but l'm vcrv ncrvous. Wish me luck!


New words

•    academic • attend • check out • circus • coach

•    magie • particular • Performing Arts • pies

•    rangÄ™ (n) • residential • soccer • specialise

•    traditional • weight loss • wish me luck


Writing tip: Linkers although and however

We often link contrasting ideas with although or however. Although links two clauses to make one sentence.

Although there are some day camps. most ot the camps are residenttal.

However, foliowed by a comma. introduces the new idea in a second sentence.

There are some day camps. However. most of the camps are residential.

Find other examples of although and however in the texts. Then do Exercise 6.

6 Complete the sentences with although or however.

1    Although l’d like to go on a summer camp. I dont think I can.

2    I go on holiday to relax._, I don’t

like doing nothing all day.

3 _some camps specialise. other

camps offer lots of different activities.

4    Katie wantsto work at a camp she isn’t old enough yet.

5 _I enjoy the holidays. I get bored


6    My brother does a lot of sport. _

I don’t enjoy it much.

7    Use your notes from Exercise 5 and write a paragraph about summer camp. Link your ideas with although and however where possible.

l'd like to go tc a (sports) summer camp I think Td like it because l'd make lots of new friends and...

However, I might miss my family and...

Project \

Find information about residential summer camps in Poland. Choose one, and write a paragraph about it.

Use these questions to help you.

•    Where is it, and why is it a good place to visit?

•    Who can go, and how long do they stay?

•    What activities can you do there?

•    When is it, and how much does it cost?


3    Although it was raining this morning, we still played tennis.

4    Cars are very expensive. However, sometimes you need one

7 Explain that Ss are going to write about the kind of summer camp they’d prefer. Ask Ss to make two columns, one with a tick and one with a cross. Elicit one idea for each column. In pairs, Ss can then continue to write ideas in the appropriate column. Encourage them to give reasons for their ideas. Ss should use these notes to write a paragraph. Encourage them to contrast their ideas by using the linkers studied in this lesson. Ask a few Ss to read their paragraphs aloud.


Ask Ss to find out about summer camps in Poland. If you are not able to access such information from the Internet. Ss may need to use their imagination. Before starting, brainstorm some possible answers for each section and then put Ss into groups of three to pool their ideas before writing the paragraph.

Optional Extra

Build Ss vocabulary in the following areas to prepare them for the writing and project.

Ask Ss to copy the blank table and four headings as indicated below. Dictate the vocabulary: Ss should write it under the correct section. Ss can then extend each category.

<+* Optional Extra

Dictate the following sentence stems to the Ss and ask them to write them. Ss should then complete the sentences in a logical way and show them to a partner or read them out to the class.

1    I don’t really like Italian food. However,

2    Although my brother is very good looking,

3    Although it was raining this morning,

4    Cars are very expensive. However,

Suggested answers:

Optional Extra

Places to stay

Things to do





log cabin apartment

swimming canoeing midnight feast painting


sleeping bag







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