Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 166

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 166

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Presenter    \ i ?y d- wr tt r now ** f ot > r t to e i?


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Presenter. li sounęjy cr<


Lesson 8B It won’t be fun if it rains.

Dea/ Daniel

•i - • to*    f. m    ^    s wrtt mi? i 1 •

jkJng lorward to your v*sii next month. I hope you are. too lt’l be great to meei you findfy

A A A III M •    â€¢ I wĘ. •

Your first day twe is a Saturday. so you’H nave tne weekerj to reta*. Then you're


Your second week te our hel-term hofcday. Is there anything speoaf you’d Ike to do? Do you hke fooibal? II take you to a match. If you Ike. Don't forgot yołjr camera

I li meet you at St Pancras staiion in London. 11 recogntee you from your pfx>to. Tl





sond a photo ot me with tht$ letter.





ThaFs a* for now. See you on the 2nd! Best wishes


















Lesson 8D Gap years





Exercise 1 CD2 Track 47










What is a gap year?





Aboul 25 per ceni of BÅ„tish students lakÄ™ a break when the>' leave school. their 'gap year*. Most of them iravei but some stay in the UK. if they pian it

Exercise 6a CD2 Track 44

a vakiabte experinnoa.

Mother:    Have you got everytling. Greg? Remember you‘re goteg trekking

Greg:    Yes. I thmk so. Mum.

Mother Let’s check. You need a good waterproof jacket.

Greg:    Yes. I krów tt’s here

Mother Good. because it n*glit ram. Now what sod ot shoes are you going to wear?

Greg:    Fve gol ruy trainers.

Mother:    Trawers are no good . If it rans. your feet w»l get wet. Why don*l you

take your proper waMng shoes? Theyll be morę comfodabłe.

Greg:    Oh. OK. niget ihem.

Mother    And don'i lorgei thiefc socks. Unie® you*ve got thick soefca. your feet

w* hurt. And you need lo take some extra eocks. too.

Greg:    Why?

Mother:    Becaose if your feet get wet. youli tiave dry socks to put on.

Greg:    Oh. rtght. Extra socks.

Mother:    Oh. and remember. don*t weur juuns when you go irekklng. tf jeans get

wot, they're very uncomfodable.

Greg:    Yes, l know. thuy toki us that.

Mother Good. And. ksten. donl take a big thick jumper. tf you onty Iiave one thick jumper and you want to take It otf. then you’D be cdd. Also, The jumper will be very big and heovy to eony.

Greg:    ll’s OK. Mum. I know. I need some t*shid$ and thin jumpers. LooK

theyre horÄ™.

Mother:    Great. That‘$ fine. OK. have you goi your wat er bottie?

Greg:    Yes. I have.

Mother Good. Remember. you most drink pleń ty of wator. If you don*t. you’l get dehydmted.

Greg:    I know. Mum. I know.

Lesson 8C DorTt forget your camera.

Exercise 2 CD2 Track 45

l2Tennyson Row




Things you might do in a gap year

•    Be a volunteer

Gap year students help chdril>es al Over the wortd - trom errńronrnentaJ projaots in South America to wortong wilh cksatted people r» ihe UK.

•    Leam 9omething

Youcanleamtoski inCanada. sludyArt inllafy, pcactisephotography in Cuba or do a oookery course n your own town ... there are so many possłWrties!

•    Eam money

Thnm nre Inls of way* to make some money at home or abrnad - Mce fnit ptrtdng in France. biArftng wnAs te Australia, digging weits te Afrtca or working in chÅ‚dron s 9ummer camps in Uie UK or the USA.

•    Go on an expedtlion

There are travel comparnes wtich ar rangÄ™ trips spetialÅ‚y kx gappers*. They traveÅ‚ across African deserts. through South American ramforests or even to the Aniarclkx This te a fartastic tocperience, but often qurle expensÅ‚ve.

Two dfferenl gap years

l*m goteg to go traueing wilh some frtends. We ra ptarteteg everylhmg carefuly.

Every woek we huve a mwtmg. We wunt to go to Thailond. Camboda and Vietnom. If we have eoough money, wal go for aboul srx mooths. At the moment l*m working in a shop for four months, to eam money lor the trip, and ihen we*re offt Becky Martte. Gloucester

For my gap yeer. I’ve gol a lemporary job in the newspaper Office where my uncÅ‚e works Thon Tli have some monoy when I go to uniyersity. Fm just dong boring routine jobs now, but I expcct II do some morÄ™ interosting things Wer. I want to be a joumalist so this »s a reats' good opportunity lor me to ge« some experience.

Ben Haihday, London

Exercise 4 CD2 Track 48

Sam:    Fm not aurÄ™ what l want to do for my gap yaar but I thtek t‘d like to

irorv«l. I might go and slay with some relalives in Austrafin tf l do thot.

FI be abie to eam sonte money because theyil gwe me a job on ther farm. Another posstelity ischam>fwork. l've got a foend who te wneking as a voluntanr for a childran’s charity te Inrte. Fd like to do that. too. so I might dectde to go there and work with him. Fd also Ike to team to dnve. tt’s gomg to be a bosy yearl

Ellie:    I haven't deoded what todoin mygopyeBryet. My fnendand I would

hke to go to Chi na. but it wcxild be very expen$ive - that’s the mam problem. Anyway. if we don I have enough money to go to Chma. we



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