Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 170

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 170

Language Builder Workbook Answer Key

1 Your life

7    Studonts’own answers.







6 7















Negathre meaning





1    2b 3f 4a 5d 6e

2    2c 3a 4b 5c 6b

3    2 honesi 3 aeosible 4 modest 5 self-confiden:

6 patiem

4    2 taJks 3 are watcftng 4 dont go 5 are working 61 don*t nemember

5    2 smaMng 3have 4doo (iÅ‚ke 5areteeming 6erewoiking 7doesn1speak 8 mderstands 9 are Å‚O are pterymg 11 wants

6    2 Yes. I am. 3 Who is your French teacher? 4 What*3 he fcke? 5 He speaks French ali the time. 6 te he scary? 7 No. hes notl 8 l Ike 9 they are 10 we are wnting 11 Are you working w#h a fneod? 12 Im wortong w*th a new student 13 Iknowhim.


1    2WhoO 3WNchB 4WhereA 5WbyE 6WhetC

2    2Howlong 3 How much 4Whatdo SWhatdoes 6Who's

3a 2 How 3 What 4VWw 5Wh»ch 6Wty 7 Who 8 How many

3b 2g 31 4d 5h 6b 7c 8a

4    2 Wio are 3 Why are 4 Where are (you) gong 5 Wrxh (teams) are playing 6 What (trme) does (the metch) finish

5    1 word 2 How do you; You say 3 Wtiat does; means 4 caied

6    2hoiiday 3 underground 4taxi 5«t 6footbai 7 Hm

7    3 When'$ your bnhday? 4 rt's the t3tho< October. S Where do you *ve?

61 l»ve in Cefetornia. 7 Who rs Simon? Å‚s he your best fnend? 8 No. he’s my cal! 9 How mary pets do you have?/How many pets have you got? 101 have' l've got two dogs and a cat. so thal‘s three. 11 Are you maktng a firn at the nomen!? 12 No. 13 What are you doing atlhe moment? 14 Whal does 'chiIng out’ mean?


1    2 plot 3 poÅ‚moan 4 sW instrector 5 shop essistant 6taxK*rver 7 ve4

2    2 machanie 3 plumber 4 electhcian 5 capenter 6 housewrfe 7 buikter 8 hardresser

3    2 when 3 Wtul© 4 When 5 whle 6 wÅ‚4e

4    2 was teavmg; took 3 amved; were oountr>g 4 kxgo4; was ptayng 6 dO ... asie was loofcing 6 was carryng; te* over

5    2 vi$ited 3 saw 4 was flying 5 sal 6 were ealmg 7 tafced 8 showed 9 krww lOarrtred 11 were waihng 12 asked

6    Sfuctenrs'ownanswars.


1    Morgan; Australia Tom: Roland Jasmine. Span

2    2e 3a 4b 51 6c 7d

3    1 Morgan: 1960s

Tom: When his mum and dad go! mamed.


2 Morgan: Her grandad <Å‚dn i have a job and her grandoarents wanted a new

â– te.

2 Musie and film

2 Techno 3 pop 4 jazz 5 rap 6 som 7 ho-hop across: gutar. celo. piano

down: saxophone. trumpet. ctonnet. tiule. wom. keyboard

1    country (and) western; gertar 2 jazz; piano 3 CteSSCafc voln 4 rock; drums

2    Are you going to practise 3 are gong to start 4 ‘m not gorÄ™ to sing Sarent goingtobe 6 te going to lnach

2w»Uget 3wibe 4wipay 5 won*t be 6wfldownload 7wiptey 8won*thave

2 ‘m gobg to hate 3 I have; *1 be 4 ’snot gc*ng to be 5’l start 6’re gorrg to start

2 m gorg to 3 *1 4 going to 5 are going lo 6 I 7 won t 8’mQoingto91 lOareyougomgto 11‘mgongto 12*1 13*1

2check it out 3 no! much 2 Not much 3 check it out

2 te Jane comhg 3 are gowrg 4 Are Sarah and Max doing 5 arenl going 6 ten’! playing 7 *m not gong to eat

2 'm gong 3 are gettmg 4 «$ dnvng 5 are trarelng 6 Are (you) stayiig 7 are steepng 8 *m not dong 9 *m cteaning 10 m proctisrg 11 are (you) taking Cofwersation 1 2c 3a 4d 5b 6Å‚ Conv©rsation 2 10 2a 3d 4Ä™ 5e

2 ’m hawig dnner with my grandpareots 3 ’re gong to the dnema 4 Are (you) playing football 5 'm not 6 'm going to a rock festrval 7 m doing my homework 2 ’m not dong 3’lgo 4’lask 5arewatching 6 are (you) gong to watch 7is choosmg 8‘lcome 9 lbuy 10‘m gong to ask 11 ’m playing 12 won*t arrrve

Positive meaning




fasenatng 2 amusng 3 exceient 4 sad 5 bonng 6scary

2 te a worse actor than the others. 3 b less cheerkJ than Rob. 4 tent as fumy as JTn and Rob. 5 te much better than Al. 6 te morÄ™ moody than Jim and Rob. 2 the most expens*ve 3 te oWer than 4 not as expensfre as 5 younger ihan 6 otder than 7 morÄ™ expen$ive than 8 not as expenst/e as 9 better than 10 better than 11 notasgoodas 12 the worst 2c3e4c5a6e7b8o9a



Exam summary taw» Bob Geidof was bom k\ 1951;

Bono was bom in 1960.

Tom: Hte mum wanted to lve near her parents.

Jasmine: Hor gmndparents moved to Spam because they *ce the sunshine. the lood and the peopte and her parents moved to Spen because they dKJn’i fckether jobs

3 Morgan: Austrakan Engbsh Tom : Engtesh and Polon Jasmine: Spantsh and Engksh

4    11reland 2 Ireland: the USA 3 the USA

5    1 the USA/Boston 2 two weeks ago 3 Famiy loved beng in ireland/mum and dad wanted Uam and hte steter to grow up in ireland 4 Cork. Iroland 5 Bom

2a) Bob Gek** plays n The Boomtown Rats; Bcno pteys n U2.

2t>) Bono Å‚s not an actor.

3a) The text doesn't givo any iniormahon about Bono‘s partiebation in Uve Aid concerts.

3b) 'Rap Trap’ te Bob GełdoTs composition.

1    leoÅ‚der 2c Ireland 3c have organiaed

2    t b 2 a 3b 4 c


Exam summary 2 (tak / hip-hop) 5(5.30 / 9.99) 4 (Fnday / Saiurctey)



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