London also has a lot of parka and green areas. Hyde Park, Ofteft Park, fctg**t * Park, •fcajBlW Heerh and Clapbam Common arc some of the most famous areas. Hyde Park han # ftw Wwnf Mmpk *'- The Serpr.^rl. on New Yetrłi Day pcople still go swimmtng there! There are at*o łtft *f K«t< t$tjf ne*ń sport* Ard jf yr* ąrc fading brave, Hampstcad Bathing Ponds on Hampstcad łleath aro for nudo afc ithłńing pnły!
1 London is not the Capital of the UK fj p 2, Less than 7 million peoptc livc in I sindon p 3 Someone who livcs in lxmdon ii callcd hmlwr
4. The big arch in the centrę of London is called The Quefn*t Afllh , > «
5. You havc to bc 21 to go for a drink in a pub < < »,
6. The East End is the centrę of night Ufo in London o *,
7. London has many parka and green areas p 7f
8 The rivcr m I lydc Park ia callcd the Ihames ,< •>
9, Pcople awim in the Scrpcntine on New Year*i Day 10 You cannot swim nudę in London, p |fJ>
IV, pyt the vcrbs in bracktts in the correct /mm
Brenda Wilkins«i,_ . (wosk) in lxmdon Zoo Shc iilt (be)
an aiiimaJ kocper for iwo years. Shc «j) _____ _ (taka) care of young ansami* A« present. shc
(44) _____(look after) a baby chimo. which ,# t» (be) bocn a
week ago and rcjc&cd by «ls mofiicr. If the cłiimp <«*, (*tay) dng the aoo
.4 9. _ _ (achievc) anolher succes* in multiplying endanfered aptetc*
The baby musi ,m (|ive) milk *very Iwo houn» *o Brenda ii wfrenwły dwf
ured. Despite thaf, shc finds het job cKitemely icwarding Yetlerday, wtula the ....... ...... ((«*
tiiinp, ft {4 fo)______ (make) a fuimy foce a* if ii wcie amilmg h fillcd ho hcert ^ »th
rły pridc and happtness.