



I    jl ihś‘ p«iutn And nptktm

Wh»l do mmi tMnfc miln proplr hut.» rirw prodiKlf

l Vr.n1 Ihr rnł gunkly Mftii/i hpt\ ot .irf.rif «l<wł II fTlCntl<l«’



Sell, Se II, Sell

(| iii nn./Uiif jJltyJ

V\V scc ihousands of ii<Jverfs t*vcry day - in thc Street, on televisiont in supcrmarkcts and In ncwspapcrs and magazines. bach advcrr telli us how wondcrful a product is. Ihc company wants us to remember the product and buy it.

One wayofpctting pcoplc to remember a product 1$ to u* famom pcoplc. Cdcbritic* jre uscd to vrll cxpcn«vc potni, bccatnc compintct want u* to link the product* with hjcccu and bcjim. Th«c admt* j/c taicłul to tell u» that buympa thjinpoo .nlvcfti><il by a lamnut actrevs or wcaring thc trainm wom b' a .ucccsulul >porttnun. will make ui bcjutitiif and tiKceufuf. (oa Advcrl> that u*c cclebritits can <wt j lot of moncy, bul pcoplc aro pcrMuded to buy thc produtt. Nomctmio they spend a lot of moncy on Imur. goodj they c;in'f afford



Ou/c«r Tif>r

Using sentenen

Writc word*. tn smlctyn yo you    Nm to w



| *n.rrr\ on hMtrt jrr Hlntiwr bn^iw

« Itwy Ust * łona ••o'*' b |wi>pl» n*U dcłuiiteh vw them « ihn »e r*oi riitcnuyr

4    lly usmpam Out ivnnt\ jdyrrls on pot*

4 unii rmplnn \tudr nt\

b donn t Mtcitd j lol id monry on .idintc < onły vll\ c>«udu«t\ to studentc

5    Stfterts air leatt uki rwful w(NA 4 «»c don l nrmembrr them

b we Uufth >it Ihr produrt t we *ri anjrtl about thc product

Anoihcr wa\ to ptomole prodiich »> to make . -umai adwts In soine paru of thc l s\ ułmu utr pintcd on beachc* hv tpccul Intelu Hus w.»y ot jjycrthing o vcry popular with (omp,mic» Why? (t«\iusc u-* impoSśiblc to ignorc an .ul you h*vc to sit »vn! On Kusy beachc* thc adverts jrc dcstrovcd by niJJjy to thc umc advcrt i\ madę agałn cvcry awwing. Anothcr unuuul form of adverti*ing u\c* jwpłó ficcv Us an easy way for pcoplc to cant minet and vcry popular wifh Mudents. Colourful company logos and product names arc patnlcd on iiutknt* facet by an adverti»ing agcncy. The student* ihr paid to walk around with thc adscrl lor a wcck. ll’t łtbcip wj\ for compamcs to get their message acriMS.

If sou dont hcliesc that you arc inllucnccd by admutcincnts, cvcn onc» vou dont likc. youre wrong. Umh arent sucurestul if thcv arc liked. they arc cticoiful it thet arc rcmernbcrcd They could make m Ugh or thev could make us angrv. hut as long as jwpłebuy thc product, it’s ,t g«•. ‘\ i d We may not like ;be admts we tee. but thev worl'


5 (omplrtr Ihr wnlrnm «,ib ihr tenrci trfV ram / pa>

1 Wt__


adwmsr thetn allord I (pyt

2 Ihr Uamm arr rwr but _u

Ihry ir tV).u>tunt_

srll i buy

i tłr wanty tn _______ a m* us? w*t t

to    .    . ho oto onr Wa

sjvc ! ypend

* Don t-all whm rreon co OnP

shouW-ujthr tor your futatr


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