



I Matth Ihe /oto lo ihr pKtum

•    buiUffiooi • \hopawUinł

•    vxrro/> • truhrr

2 In psin. drtatft *hkh rob rou thM iv

> thc iwa djnęrmn • rV mnl rfrfftcułr . !Vfjini . jArmcB/rwifin* • the brJ p*d . thernompad

J *0*< Uuen to thrte people tjlking a6owf/oto fho do Ujtrh ejfh \prjtrr to oot ot Ihr fotn m 1

Speaker t-



4 V*' Jrtłrn jfjm and ourrh Ihr ipralrnlo nhjMhry W


i «w U/y proplp /mi»' fhr /cfi tbtboJt b w»i if»dtftrulr 10 firf rfimjł *ocS im limę

< prepłr frjm j ku

d nnrr>r~> jfrrj' the djngr e bkntKopteioenprwhjUhnejt I Ue\ v*nn% pntkm

*#*»    aod <h«k »owr M»m

Adjf< hvt * prtpouUon

6 (ompltte Ihe phijw*\ from ihr łr*l *ifh ihe <ofr«t pecpoutioo.

• jbouf • jt • ut • ot

1    I do oorry-it.

2    )ou<jntget upvl_»mp of Ihr Ihing


3    fm mtetnlrd_lood

4    Yoti hj»c fo br good___    _ _ npljming ihiogi

5    Ynucan w>' i d.d thjt’ - jnd frrl proud .    . ...

V»* inlrn and <h«V »©ur amwen

7 fomplrtr Ihr vnlr/K« **rlh jn adjrdiyr ♦ prcpoiition from 6

1    Oon t_Bob Mc* .» good -.wimmrf.

2    My vtfcf n_litr puno bccautt ihr

pwrtort r»m dav

3    Hjpioih jrjjurd *ilh hrf boyfriend Sh- • ty _if.

4    Mypirmba/r_ mr i . JmyeMcn'

5    W» lifhrr (Ottetli tfamp*. He\ vrry    _łhrrri

5 i#> »fuf carh iprjkrr hnlo be good Jt I Sf*d*/' i hot f >r yorJ ot

Ajob intrnne*

g ful Ihełc quc\t»on\ in»o Ihe (Orrtct place In the inlrryirw.

j wlw «<«■ <"|| »'.»«»> U»* fnkt'

b Wtiat did yOU hłW to do?    * VVT*fi <jn ycnj Mart?

I Wh.il wotk mpcfM-occ do you have> K l*ow ton® did you work there’

IntcrMcwrr yo Amy yWd liki-10 work lor ui. Why.de yeu -*!"» Ihr jeb*

Weil. I nced a vummer |ob and I hke workm# willi people I m hard workmu .md vrry conhdcnt And '_

la\l urnimer I worked in .1 \an<1 w,< h \hop Thcn I lud a weekend |ob łn a Greek rrstaurant

For three months

I prrpjred lood and I voniclimcs wryrd tudomeri I can ype.tk Irrnrh and Sparmh

Hurt good We h.tye a lot ol toun>t> at the moment AmJ

>0.1 can I łimsbcd vcbool tost week


lidcn and chcek your answers

9 In pairy say what qualitics these- people need lor their |ob\ and why.

1 tour guide 2 nufu*    J wanct    4 sporty instrurtor

• tonfident • hard lyoiktn, ori^iniscd patieni • polite • relased

fi ample

Tour yuidn hau- toł*    ' rop/e


Arc you a student and looking for \ a job?    \

Student V cpto» n«*l» yuuof \ pcopW to work in hobday rcw«m 1 around tluropc

We 4(C lookmfc lor tour pndre. »pom inmuctorv w*uirr> »od shop luuUnlt. Intereited! lhen v*tit< to:


c ran tou work woeldayt’ d (ao VOU H>rak .my L.iop;i«.»x<^'














Say wh.it youre lito n ’    :>• IVtiu ran do


l'm (not) (onfident. >" /, i • < be a tom yuuh

Rcad ihr łdvrrtiwmrnl, drddr which iob you wjmt to do. thm completr tbe nolrs betów

Zo« SmMh. St»d«M bym* U*.

30 C«hI Road. »A*r*ctmłt«t MUt® $Tf

Job yo- wj«t

yO-    j0b

1ou< wo<k t^p<.yxł^c«.

e>,.„3i yo^    ^

WK«.», yTK. c»« *-ta*'* vao<W

11 In patry take turns to inte rvtewr cach olher about the job you want with Student Lxprm. U%< the phravc% below to help you

Ayking quc\tion\

Why do you want the lob7 Can you woik weekdays / at the weekendy?

Can you speak any łanguagr\ / play any sporty’

Whal work expeńence do you h.wc’ Whal did you lsavr to do?

How lottg did you wotk Utetc’ When tan you start’



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