jow10 05

jow10 05

D0»»18 TO AV0XD.

;llo eh( .no’.i •-1 1~ m the flooi .

Ion»t iorgut to r.»t all th« nu#? kał baokward throw out of th» *xvroSio,

1    to cheat out ant4 tto shouldort baok*

Dan>t fory ot that breatłdag la lantrtant In thia mcorclao,

r-an*t tercet to incrcasc t'-e lororare of tlto bolla (&■■ nortr.r tho błocka »*ay ftror your banda a lont the tor) after ycu taro roaehad tha llaŁt of tłvo ropotltior.a and ocrr>onoo ovor *łtń the orlr.lnał couirt of tia -junta*

certtao :-•*

Tou eoemoneo thła oacorolae tn tho tono aaatr aa you i Id the laat. !t i* tc c* alailar to .ctanit* 17 lr. jrour Pifth Leaaon, ooly the ora* do not go <rvur-hood ani you atep aidewaya inatoad of terward*

Płaco the bolla betwoon the 'bot ani toor the Mil* off tho iloor wlth atrc.tght arras and nrlr.ę then fomrd tal up io tho IotoI of the oyeai as «M do oo, *U-r> SIHttATB wlth ono foot, ar.:*. norely -Wet on thr othor foot and thruat atroa&ly wlth that foot upór. ihc floor aa tho body tnrna aidewaya, teclnn tho dirnction of the sldo-atepylty foot*

Lange terward wlth tho araa aa t%r tersard aa you car. aa ywi a top aldowya* c yv ■ ccr : bank to fch orł .inal pealtLn, i.-jp the bolla tr .ho ahouldora nr.-; tłum r co por terała* tho no*t oamaot. tn order to faoo fbor.t you will hara l~ plvot -.rai.-. oc -.Si bali Of tho foot*

Uuigo ol* tli*« to the rt • .* *tio thu-: :Lr. *-L*j*0 t. practleo nljht add ono raprti tlen uatil ycu roaoh tho oount of muIto, and ocssser.oo

*■• ■    • ’ ■ . .r 1 * . !• • -lf    1> vwrr •>*

. T-:    ».ve:s.

L«n*t ftfffct to :* p r-r tldewaya*

.«*. ter.* t to    ter '5rwnr . aa your aria ro out*

oti*t terc<t to pWot o-, thr. oppoalto .*oot and thruat wlth lt untll lt la atr-- lrht*

Don»t to ara? the bolla to tha ahoul-icra aa ycu cono baok tc Po-. -.1 :. Cno#

on**. r- t tn olT-*. 3-. tr:. fOot you fkoo ftor.t.

Don*t fbrgct to hrcaiho la haraony wlth tho carromasta*

raci.-alr'- 59*

Thoao oxorftlr.oa ar* a llttłc trlofcy, bu. If you po through thon a faw tlaes a flor ro ad lag oaah ono, you will woar orf *:ho rout-h odgo* and bo ablo to raetloo th* • In porfbot aocord • ;o rest that aro on your achodulo*

iMa artlcular oorcrolao La *.o dorolo; tho trie ra of th-i orc. Tboy arw

tho nuBclur that li o on the baok of the uppor ara and arw noro lAportant thaa tho biceoa* Irei dnr:taiły thoy arc o&pablo of -rcator Tolltldn*

Stand ori«t aa ln Pealtlcr- Cne of Ml ttoMMTi wlth tho (bet ajrwad a -.-•.or apart tlsaa uaual* Alle*-- tho bolla io tu\r..- iń thi harda a* llluatratod* Swing thoai both forwar*- to about tlto hslgbt of tho hror.*t ard wlth all your pcwor tigkbon the grlp on tho bolla and awlnf, baolanurda, loooplag tho arna atraight, M b rurc *.o b<md *»ell forward fro tho -ralat.



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