mbs 031

mbs 031


the uppc-r jaw advancc, and the brow and the upper eyelids are unnaturaUy liftcd; presenting at once the leading features and espression of imocY.”

It is quite tnie what the author just ąuoted remarks on the snoring habit being produced by breathing through the open mouth. The reason is that tlie inspired and expe)led draughts of air strike against the uvula and soft pa’ate, setting them in vibration and giving forth anything but a musical sound. While it is better for the liabitual nose-breather to have the pillow as Iow as possiblc, I should advise that a child, while bcing traincd to breathe only through the nose, should have its pillow arranged at such a hcight and so placed (under the head and not undcr the shoulders) that the head will be kept well raiscd when the child lies on its back, for if the head is too far back there is a tendcncy for the jaw to drop open.

Laughter A Healthy Method of Exhaling

is hearty laughter which makes “one'ssides ache,” as the people say. It is, thereforc, a splendid thing for the health to see a good comcdy played, or the antics of a clown, and it would be healthier still if these things were not, as is, unfortunately, ncarly always the case, indissolubly connected with foul air and łatę hours.

I.aughing is produced by a sort of cxhalation in gusts, in the production of which the abdominal wali is altcrnately braced and relascd.

The healthy cffect is partly direct, by shaking and massag-ing of the viscera ; partly indircct, by creating good spirits, which promotes metabolism.

Let us, therefore, enjoy a good laugh as often as we have the opportunity.


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