71176 mbs 085

71176 mbs 085


the first eight exercises form two series, each of which consists of three frank movemcnts and one deep-knee-bending. And the three trunk movemcnts are, in each series, tirstly a backward and forward movement, then a sideways movement, and, finally, a twisting. In the second series the trunk movcmcnts, and tiie knee-bending as well, are all somewhat morc dilftcult than the corresponding movements of the first series.

Each of the exercises should be commenced by a fuli exhalation, and immediately after each exercise there should follow a short ])ause of rest, during which two casy and relieving fuli respirations, i.e., two of “ my complete breaths,” are performed.


Fuli breathing during backward and forward bending of body combined with bending and straightening of botb arms simultaneously.

Plant feet firmly iS inches apart, toes turned slightly out in a natural position. Expel by a deep exhalation as much used-up air as possible from the litngs. Then immediately start slowly bending the upper part of the body and also the head, well over backwards. Whilst bending back-wards, at the same time take a good, steady inhalation. and also bend the arms and clench the iists. Finish in the position shown in Fig. 19. The shoulders, elbows and hands forced well back, the wrists bent. Now, without stopping in this position, start a deep exhalation, performed during a steady forward movement, bending the body as Iow down as possible, until you reacli the position in Fig. 20. The anns are, during the forward bending of the body, gradually straightened, the hands opened and the lingers stretchcd. Raisc trunk and bend arms again during inhalation, and once morę bring tliem back into the position shown in Fig. 19. Bend again forward during cxhalation, and so on, performing in all four of these double movements, combined with four respirations, as fuli as you can make them.



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