mbs 096

mbs 096



Alternate one-sided deep exhalation during side-bending of trunk, combined with half knee-bendings.

Stand with hands on hips and tlte feet somewhat morę apart than in Exercisc Nos. i, 4 and 5, the toes tumed sfightly out (sce Fig. 31). Now, whilst performing a deep exhalation, lean the trunk slowly, always facing the front, sideways ovcr the right leg, which nnist be kept quite rigid. whercas the left knce shouid be bent as shown in Fig. 32.

Then raisc the body slowly and resume the vertical position, shown in Fig. 31, with both lcgs straightened, at the same time taking a ful! inhalation. Stay in the upright posturę for a moment, eommencing exhalation. Then lean the trunk sideways ovcr the left straightened leg, bcnding the right knee, while finishing the deep exhalation (see Fig. 33). Raisc the body while once morę inhaling, the right leg, at the same time, having been straightened. Panse in the upright posturę while eommencing exhalation, and, for the second time, lean over the right leg while com-plcting exhalation, and continue in this way these swaying movements four times in all. The exhalations during the alternate squeezing of the lungs by tneans of tlie sharp side-bendings will proeide an extra means of expelling the foul air from the lungs.

lt is a mistake to bend the trunk obliquely forward instead of leaning sharply ovcr to the sides. Remember, also, to lean the trunk over the strctched leg, never over the bent leg. But the wcight of the body shouid be thrown upon the bent leg, alternateiy the right and the left.

(This exercise is the same as the preliminary movement of the Rubbing Exercise No. 12 of " My System.”)

Rcpeat here the Special Rdiering Deep-Breathins I:\ercise.


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