Drill tho 13 1 i ve(,s (1) and knocU out, tlić rtails usine, a S w« diamctcr pin drifb.
Rcmov« the sjK>ilcr by uncJippiny it fnm l.hft shicld, puJ J 3ng in the dlrcction shown by the «rn>w in Che drawing.
Start at the ends and finish at the contro.
ATTKYtlON: this part is roinH>rced
by a rraęiIo motał strengthcncr- (4). During iemov;t1, avoid bcnding the .spoilor as much as possible.
Chcck the uppear-ance of thc spoi Jer and that it has not ]>cnt at uli in re I ation (.0 the shicld.
I f neccssary correct tho curyature “orit. I y.
SŁatT refitt.ing the sjmiler trom tho contro by <1 i jiplng it outo tho shie Ul and 1'inish at the ends.
Secure it, using rivcts (I ł.
DctaiJ. A
4.8 mm cliamctcr rivet. - 1^
^ Sf>oilcr ^ Front sh iold
* Spoi lor metal rcintorcement.