I .esdon 2:
-: -re other parents have warned me that they think role piaying żsmes are dangerous. They say "Young people who play those games :se touch with reality." So what's wrong with that. as longas it's only ~' afew hours?(...) Anyway, it's not that easv to lose touch with ":ty ifyouTe got three tests euery week at school!
. ceople say "The boys put themsehes into the skin ofeuil, cruel : ■: rgs, and it changes their personality." That‘s i ust nonsense. When mmy hacks a dragon to pieces in a gamę it doesn't mean he’11 do • re same to the neighbour's dog does it?
: 'Z 2B 3A 4B 5C 6A
~*-r exercises draw the students' attention to the content and r;- :sation of invitations, and to the differences in style between ■ ż rwo sample texts. It is not intended that the students should r_cy the differences between formal and informal style in depth x ~ s point, especially as register is not assessed at the basie irura level; this is just to signal that such differences exist. It is e rected that in the Matura Exam task students will instinctively : *rr the morę relaxed and easier style of the second model.
~_esnon The first invitation The second invitation
Everyone in the school / A Year 12 student called
The headmaster, Staff and Sally
Ali parents Sally's grandma
An exhibition of paintings by Year 12 students
Datę, time, place, guest of Datę, place, Sally's honour pictures are going to be
there, there will be snacks and drinks
Quite formal Friendly and informal
...reąuest the pleasure of I would be very happy if your company you could come
- T=srival
: t -'ormance
- - _ ibition
f e ways of using this section in class are explained in the 't duction on page 13.
~ : section can be used to fili the last five minutes of the lesson, et as homework.
Słownictwo i gramatyka
Shops: chemist's, newsagents, off-licence Vehicles: coach, lorry, van
Places at an airport: check-in, departure lounge, runway Accommodation: caravan, guesthouse, tent Works of literaturę: novel, poem, play Works of art (visual): landscape, mural, sculpture
1d 2a 3e 4b 5c 6g 7f
3 1 loose 2 trendy 3 double 4 return 5 subtitled 6 classical
4 1 make 2 take 3 missed 4 book 5 lose 6 tells 7 released
5 1e 2d 3f 4b 5a 6c
6 1 from 2 in 3 on 4 in 5 to 6 on 7 by 8 on 9 on 10 for
11 by 12 on
7 1 on 2 back 3 off/out 4 off 5 in 6 on
8 1 worst 2 louder 3 most unusual 4 funnier; morę intelligent 5 earliest 6fastest
1 not large enough/ not big enough
2 not as good as
3 morę expensive than
4 the most original
5 the least attractive
I -T 2- F
3 - T
4 - T
5 - F 6- F
Students' own answers.
Students' own answers.
- *='ature: chapter, poem r screenplay, shot ~-eatre: interval, stage
■ -s c: band, gig
* .-ai arts: exhibition, sculpture
- : 2c 3a 4c 5b
a c 2 b,c 3 a,b 4 a,b 5 a,c