

146 Ireną Lasak

diflefcni (the degn1 of obUaencss. hole dimension. height). especially as regirds I kt the cołour \mong them iherc are light-blue and dark-blue, almost navy-blue, 1 a> \1e!i as \tcel-bluc Somo of them. probably originally blue, are now blue-sil- I ver> areven sihtn (Fig 4 3—4) duo to secondary buming. One of the beads is I piaL The characteristic fcaturc of thosc beads is rough. morę or less po- 1 rous surtacc >»ith perfccth preserved traces of vertical, spiral grooves, sometimcs I comerpnę jt Od the holes Most probably the grooves agree with the directionof I >|maliBj cbe gtaSS pastę What is morę. thcre are morę or less regular oval holes | (air cavtbes) The dłameters of that kind of beads are frora 1.0 to 1.3 cm, their | haghts are from 0.6 to I -1 cm. and the hole's diameters are from 0.43 to 0.55 cm I Tm© other heads (t>pe VI come from the discussed grave — a cylindrical one and a I bmMhpadone. Both are dark-blue and decorated with yellow glass pastę. The decaMoa panem is a «iv>’ linę on the outside wali of the beads and two circular Arna mand At hotel The beads are slightly deformed and their diameters are j fltS-i flf rtirirhetghts are 0.t»~0.7 cm and the hole's diameters are about 0.4$ am.One«fAebeaifc(a fragment) from grave 489 has a shapc of slightly flattened ąjtm (type VI). dtrit-gnry colour. and is decorated with 3 (?) groups of double caaceamc grooves madę with yellow glass pastę, creating a motif of so-called eye-itke    It beara traces of secondary buming and probably was originally

(farit bhw nr —ey-blue.

Gran 529. Depmed of a stone pavement and stone packing. it contained aa ant uwied with I piąte, a lid and 11 secondary yessels. In the um there were about 39 glass lłf1lłt incłuding 32 in the 1 layer of the bumed bonę remains (21-22 anoa of lype Ii and 11 of typc III) and 7 in the III layer of bones (6-7 itetnsof %pa Ji of type QI). The anthropoiogical analysis of the bonę remains from Ac urn has not bccn camod out yet. The necklace consisted of two types of beads. ■aetodniB a galer number the dark-blue ones (type II. 27—28 items). among Much ttoerc •ck 21 undecorated and 6—7 decorated with a yellow wavy linę.

Ir teeros tbai two decorated beads are secondanly bonded /ccmcntcd or it is one which has 0.3 cm in diameter, its height is 0.4 cm and the MeiaOLlS om in diameter. The dimensions of the other beads are: 0.25-0.15 cm a diaaaa; 0.1-0. IS cm in height and the ho!e’s diameter 0.1—0.3 cm. The ycl-tow beada, 12 Maa to number (type III), are slightly different from those present agawa 298. 381 and 479 (different type? different variation?). With their form and aazr they refer to the smali dark-blue beads (type II), but dnifcer than the “yellow'’ ones, eloser to light-bro\vn h » poaaAie dat Aar pre&cni appearance is the result of an incrcased temperaturę beads are about 0.4 cm in diameter, about 0.2 cm taft and Aehotc’1 dmmeter ii about 0.1S cm.



"v<xleship. Pia„ of Nicole I

g«vc -ISO (A) and goods (li -cnkow)


f grave 516. About 0.35 m to the north from one of the sec-oaday nMRriMfea. i" | p©4). a major glass bead was discovered, perhaps cod-


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