

198 Marcin Szydłowski

Gups make anothcreaiegory. Special uitention should bc given (oanncmplj tbmui iii thc barrow mound IV wUh (hc richcsl ęngraved omamcnlałion indicanK eariy-1'ndticc origin (Fig. 4). li has analogies in thc form of a vessel from Grzw goraowo, disiricł of Strzelin, which is similarly decorated with horizontal groma] and S “hanging-trianglc” niolif (Sarnowska 1969: 261). Similarly decorated ied sels having similar shape werc also found at thc cemetcries in Marszowice ■ well as in Kujavia (Boźejewice). In Bohcmia analogous forms werc found nmona] others in Pitow (Bartelhcim 1998); vcssels with thc same morphology, but decorated. are known also from graves in Mergendorf and Riesa (Billig 1958). | The type that in thc German literaturę is rcferred to as Tassen (cupsl (Zickj 1996; Czebrcszuk 1998:184 193) is smali, wide-mouthed, and has a Iow cuiiu-.J tion point with a minor single or double pellet on it. Thcy occurred in thc KG Mi] at thc ccmctery in Łęki Małe and at thc scttlemcnt in Bruszczewo (Fig. 51 Im closest analogics werc noted in thc conflucnce of thc Bary cz river and thc Od.r ri ver in thc grave finds from Glinicu. district of Głogów, from Osctno Wielkie ud Gola Górowska (both district Góra) (Sarnowska 1969: 258-260); another esem-jl płat is from Pudliszki and sevcrnl others in Śmiardów Krajeński (Schafer 1$$7;3 1990:57-86). We can not foigct about thc lower Oder region (e.g. Dołgawd commune of Rybin) (Dorka 1939; Siuchniński 1969). Also cessels from Polepy Bohemta (Bartelhcim 1998) and from Kotschen. Ncudorf and Kleinquenstedti| Sasony (Zich 1996. Map 81) show sotne similarity.

Gups similar to those found in Łęki Małe w ith a sharp cannation potni H Iow thc rniddle of thc \essel, wide-mouthed with a loop set on thc cannation smali basc. occur in a large number in central Silesia (Kow iańska-Piaszykoatl Kurnatowski 1954: 43 -76; Kowiańska-Piaszykowa 1956; 116-138: 1968:6-3B Sarnowska 1969). Analogics for that type of vcssels were noted also in wcsk®-Germany on theSaale(Zich 1996. Map 2). Vessels of that type also are tairły com-1 mon in the w bole area of thc UC occunence. They were discovcred e.g. in L»**' Silesia (Sarnowska 1969), frequcntly also in Bohcmia and Moravia (BarteU*1 1998). However, thcy dcviate with their shape from thc charactenstic Unitice cups. which havc a lower pląccd carination point and are shatperpn.'-1' (Bartelhcim 1998).

Among thc pots (Fig. 6) the charactenstic esemplars are thc onesłl H surfacc thrown with a plastic pastę, with 4 double handlcs Somc te\tile uous were also noticed on the vessel's walls, omitting thc nm part. The from Luboń ncar Poznań shows a significant degree of similarity to that vesselł.

A Uouble-handled jar with a testile dccoration (Fig. 7) in terms ol^>1 ogy show> similaniy to a \ essel known from Lower Silesia (Samo***and abo m Sasony (25eh 19%). A te\tile ornament occuts as w cli in h'Sh\ -anhesite m Pudliszki, Grodnica, district of Gostyń, Wymysłów ncar Mher known vessel is the one from Luboń ncar Poznań, with testiłe and with theu morphology they tefer to the e\emplars from Brusze^


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