52103 P1190360

52103 P1190360

276    EttbiM Małgorzata KłociAaka

«nt aot - aa it aectns - u meaningful as the links with thc South. Both of thc legiom are thc placcs of ongtn for a few tools, including bron/c axes. An import from Grcat Po land couid bc an examplc with a bow-shapcd stop-ridge found in Przewodów. communc of Dołhobyczów (Fig. 1: 12), which was probably a local yananon of thc north German typc Four other axes representing a varialion with I socta sad a krop wcrc found in Biała, conunune of Radzyń Podlaski, Gródek, communc of Hrubieszów, sile 1C (Fig. I: 16), near Lubartów (Fig. I: 17) and in m unknown site m the Lublin region (Fig. 1: 15). They belonged to a group of sus dcscribed as “Lusatian" (e.g. “the Wielichowo typc”, “the Kowalewko typc” and “the Czarków typc") which wcrc products of metal lurgical workshops front Achana* of the upper and the middle rivcrs Odcr and Warta (cf. Kuśnierz 1998: 25 L Ptaies 43: A. B; Kłosińska 2004b: 243 and in print).

The coBtacls of the Lublin region with Silesia are also confirmed by a uniquc brasze knife ftom Nowy Rachów, communc of Annopol (Fig. 1: 18). That spe-cmieii clearły refers to the knivcs of “thc Wrocław Grabiszyn typc", which were madę m central Silesia, mainly in the younger period of thc Bronzc Age (Gedl 14H4 22-25. Platę 21; Kłosińska 2004a: 306. 307).

The dneowenes madę in the iast few ycars gave some light to one morę. un-knwi page of the Lublin region eon tac ts At the end of the Bronzc Age, one morę Śme m Sus period a wave of influence* from the east arrives herc. Some elear traces of Lusatian-Wysocko links were discovered in thc south-east bordcrland of the dtscusscd arca. manifested not only in specific form of burial rites, bul also in hnuza products (finery) of Wysocko provenance. Probably it was on the wave of tbose conncctions. at the end of the Bronzc Age or perhaps at the beginning of the darły Iran Age. that bronzc horse gcar and element* of arms and arrnour started to appear. which unequivocally mdicate that also that part of Central Europę was wuhiu the rangę of the influence of Eurasian nomadic peoples - the Cimmeiians and thć Thraco-Cuntnerians. The evidence for those influence* are a few unique objects contcnfratcd in the Huczwa and the Bug rivcr basin, that is three bronzc dmkpirws (including two prescrved in fragment*) and a damaged knob - a part of | baadstall. A short cheekpiccc from Gródek, communc of Hrubieszów (Fig. 2: 16) refera to even carly Ćemogorovka typc chcckpieces, dated to 9 c. BC (Te-mufkn 1967: 14-131. Fig. 86; Chochorowski 1993: 86), and a specimen from Komarów-Osada, communc loco (Fig. 5: 14). is an example of Dunakómlód typc (Mpecn (the FOgod variation). having a central European origin already in the lale bronzc period (C hochorowski 1993: 67, 69, 70). A fragment of a massivc chcekptccc from Honiatyn, communc of Dołhobyczów (Fig. 2: 15) represented prabaMy tbe same typc. A similar zonę of conncctions should be considered in I rem-knob from Podhajce, communc of Łaszczów (Fig. 2: 10) from wtócfl rady 8 round cap and fragment* of four post* were preserved (thc Duna-fcftntódtype?).

A bronzc hoard of horse headstall, which was deposited in a presently wet area in Smalyt/c communc of Komarów-Osada, had dcfinitely a remote, castern

Eut- and Ccntral-European cowaclł of the Lublin region

' gin. However, we do not know whether tbis asscmblage consisling of Ihree nanentcd plaques and nine segmented leather strap fittings belonged to a Cim-■*riin or perhaps to a Scythian rider (Kłosińska 2003). Similar doubts arise with

Fig. 2. Artcfact* of Thraco-Cimmertan and Thwco-Scytfiiati prmmance from the Lubłm rtpc feHftauiiR place (tbe yicmity of fokowy} I (after thc ingirul « Ar coJIcction of ŁufccMacM—i|

•w * 2 (Rfter thc originaf in a pn»ała cofłcctioo): Gródek, communc of HniWBMB fljj&tltiwicc) 4 Maftcr Cvubał/ck J9S0). Gródek. communc o(Itnbleuó*. *ttc 6 “j a**®onB oftanczów - 10 (after the ortgina/ in a pmatc lołłeciwn), IMm H ® Wier ortgmuł materiał* from a prryałrcoftecfion), an onkamra płace • J J (aftj bMMMamio. 14 uno llie onpMI fium »jniulc coIlccnon|

(Ar 4k orininil ii ■ privatc coHccfłon): Ofddek. cornniune of IMMft H ti.MKfnunc of Horyniec - IR (after KlosiArbn WOlel, SlipcM. conmnc 4f HH r pensie cnllecllonj; Kom. communc ofAnnepol. Ma J - 10-iI (ecconltnp lodicij la Unaat ftofaboc. eainmaic of Włodawa 2J (after Tefcplo m»t KnciOo.e^

Hic (odcenon CTielinikic Mułcam In Chćtml: SooipceO*'. cononuoe of Kmafom

I (ifta Um (after NmtMi ifLubycraKi


IHMRMfl i ( after Ropa - (f fepem*


imali i

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