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ACTA UN1VHRSITATIS WRATISLAV»ENS1S No 2960 Studia Archeologiczne XL Wrocław 2007
llaly together with inhabiting it communitics gained a substantial position •vithin thc Mediterranean circle relatively late, in comparison with generał cultural ind civilisation development of other ancient people in that region, which - just 10 mention the Aegean civilisation — were areas of highly developed aristocratic •entrcł of authority, and where various influences and routes of a goods exchange inteoected. Towards the close of the Bronze Age the existing systems of exchange collapscd or were transformcd, inter alia due to the decline of the Aegean civi!i-sation. It was not until the first two centuries of the first millennium before Christ that new social and economic models crystallised in Europę, including Italy. A culture described as Villanovan startcd to develop thcre from the beginning of the Iron Age. With timc its centres transform into Etruscan culture centres. as a rcsuli of contacts with Grceks settled in the Naplcs Bay and intensive intemal economic and social devclopment in thc second half of 7* cent. BC.- The in-digenous Etruscan area is the region between the rivcrs Arno and Tiber. where a civilisation started to flourish which achieved its peak-period in 7,h and 6* cent (Fig. 1). It was then that Etruscans bccame in thc region of Italy the carriers of developcd cultural ideas and formed social structures. urban centres and wriiing system appeared and the cxpansion of that population took place northwards - in thc vallcy of the Po rivcr — as well as southwards - towards Campania (Torcl-| 1986: 52-55) (Fig. 2). Etruscan influence is not limited only to the Apcnnmc Peninsula, but together with Greeks they were leaders in the whole central and western region of the Mediterranean Busin and competed with Phoenicians (von Welck, Stuppcrich 1996: 16-19).
PInMiUitc of Prchiatory, Adam Mickiew icz Un.vcn.ty. Poauuk
I i Ali thc phenomena discusscd in this nitięlc refer lo thc im.es before thc b.nh of Chn.su thore-fore in the further part of the tcxl that spccificntion ofdates was onnttcd.