2X2 Elżbieta Małgorzata Kłosińska
tran element*. arc placcd m the Mm and HaD periods in south Germany. Austria and Switzcrland known there as thc Schortzhofcn type(Bcltzer 1974: 139-143, Plato M. §5) in Hat' and MaDI in Romania (Bader 1983: 70, Platc I6n) and in Skwakia tn thc HaD period (Nosotna 2001: 56. Platę 31: 122). Also thc finery front thc hoard tound in Wakijów, commune of Tyszowce, fits in widcly understood Hallstatt stylistics of thc HaD period i.c. an claboratcly ntadc fibula pendant (Fig. 2: 13. 16). A lentteular. two-piece fibula is probubly a uniquc discosery on mt Kuropcan scalc. and thc openwork paltem madę in thc technique of cut out tnangłes relates it to \ arious finery - c.g. beli pendants, known in thc Hallstatt wuridiScttniid-Skimić 1996: 173. Platc 61 A: 68). Ho\vevcr. it scems that thc archctspc of that patiem was worked out much carlicr. in remote tcrritorics. b> Eurastan nomads. who decorated thc hamesses for their horses with openwork pUque with con\c\ knobs (UTnskaja. Tcrcnożkin 1983: 35; h antchik 2001: 28. Fig. 7; 2) An openwork pendant front Wakijów (Fig. 2: 13) resentbles impres-soe finery found in thc Hallstatt circlc as regards not only generał stylistics and r— w a parttcułarły close analogy may be scen in a Swiss gravc in Subingen. where a piece of finery was disco\ cred. described as a belt beli front the HaD penod (Ndunid-Sktmić 1996: 177 178. Platc 63A: 101).
The ymatger period of thc earty Iron Age was in thc Lublin region a time of HOMd hoard depositing. In thc south-cast borderland of that territory. in the placcs Ukc Dcs/kowicc Drugie, commune of Sułów, Wużuczyn, commune of Rachanie, and Wakijów. commune of Tyszowce, thrcc hoards of omaments MSB d^oałted ai that time tlig2 1.5. 12-16. 18. 19). Skipping perhaps a cult •spcci of thosc finds, we should also considcr morę rational motives for deposit-B vahiable ohjccts. rcsulting front a dangerous situation. That situation could be p*1"1*1 by somc evcnts which probably causcd important changcs in thc całtoral character of the discusscd territory ln thc light of known resources we may talk about c | scrious changcs in pottery production or in burial rites Panas typical for Lusatlan stylistics aro replaced by a mass inflow of thc basie Mat of vessel» baggy pots and bow Is with invcrtcd rims, dccorntcd w ith stripcs of punctures or K>sscs (źemcziciina), madę by pricking thc inner part of thc vcsscl rim IH 61. Thosc fonns entirely correspond to the stylistics of ware production of tlkepeopk* mhabiting forest-steppes zonę in lite carly Iron Age. and conipan-dfln dosest analogi es may bc seen in the upper Bug basin (Ukrainę), on the up-per Dntasaer and the headw-ater tributarics of thc Pripyat river. Herc. in so-called aacły SeytktaapenoddcYcloped Leżnica, Ccrepin-Lagodos and Mohildny groups | Kruicimcka 1976 66-105). which should be undoubtcdly treated as a ne\t step ■ ilfrtdMhpBeM of thc Wy-socko culturc. The connections of thc Lublin region Mh H eau of l uropc strongly reflect also changcs in burial rites, when umficM type cemctcncs are replaced by new necropolises which grouped large cists being oAca a place H mliii iii for a lew dcad probably bound with ties of blood. 11'1'1 kMtf grawes) have baea fbund so far in thrcc placcs of the discussed territory ,r of Annopol (Gurha 1965). in Lublin-Jakubowiec Murów*-
I iKuiząikowsku 1987; 1988; 1989), and also in Krupy, commune of Michów OH p (Misiewicz 1999; 2000; 2001). In many aspects ihey rcfcr to the Sfnpia-Lagodoy group ccmctcries from the upper Dnieper region (cf. Kruśelnic-or to graves of thc west Volhynian group. where a custom ■K ofbuming the dead on the burial place togethcr with gravc construe-Sulimirski 1936: 60; Petrenko 1989: 73; Bandrivskij 1994: ;
18 19 30 21 22
Fig 6. Pottcn fonra tłMcd «o «bc scocwad fealf of ifcr wij OMA-Ketan, mmmc mt lMva» I »»t>» Tlnilr«w<i •*>*'.' c«Mt « „
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