

2SS    Elżbiet* Małgorzata Kłosińska

■HhH regua vu ibc Zamość VaIIey, as a route leading frotn ihe east to the not tm EBi it, along whicb iuimcrous objects of eastcm provenancc were toumi IB proper 10 point out, tłiat many centuries later one of the most impor-taat route* of the mediaevał Europę went therc - namcly the Kijevian route.

The pmaMed fonnułabon of reconstruction of links and connections be* twca H LuWm region and the tcmtoncs in central and eastcm Europę was madę oathebaHsof the eustmg sources and research. Therefore a lot may still change.  p£ oonoept introduced by me is definitely not the only one, but one of the




Fig. 9. Krupy. commune of Michów, sile 1 (phot. by W Misiewicz)

possibilities. However, one thing is certain: we can no longer treat the Lublin region as a white spot on the map of the Lusatian culture rangę (cf. Czopek 1997: 210), but as an important province located in the eastem borderland of the Urn-field and Hallstatt world.


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