Do you remember łhe mony conversations you held wilh your customcrs ond ołhor interested portners? The following themes were often very popular:
Tho Volkswagen
- needs morę speed
- needs better occelerotion
- needs morę power on hills
- needs morę luggagc spece
- needs flashing indicotors
The Volkswagcn
- should hove the lst gcar synchronized
- should have a simplified starłing procedurę
- should be eosier to drive when engine i$ cold
- should have o windshield wosher
- should hove a lower minimum speed in top geor
The Volkswagen
- could be equipped wilh osymmctrical Iow beams
- could be provided with o sun vizor for the front passenger
- could hove a grab handle on the instrument panel
- could have a lower fucl consumption in city traffic
- could have fuel tank ventilation direcl to the open air
Ali these wishes have been fulfilied ond others too.
The aim of this booklet is to acquaint you with all the technicol im-provements which have been introduced. We feel surę that it will be of greał interest to you and requ6st you to pass it on to your staff. Every VW Workshop employee must know that although the exterior of the Volkswogen rcmains practicolly unchanged, every-thing that really matters is there. Your customers will appreciate being informed of all the improvements.