

Asymmetric styling

In most garments ngnt ano left skJes are identical. that is, they 3'C a mirro' mago of ooch other. In asymmotnc des-grs. one s>de of the garment !ooks sgmficsntly difforont to the oth©r and it s noccssary to model left and nght sides simultanecusly The poces are cut from single layets of fabnc The oack is usually symmetne 3hd is modolled oniy on one side of the stand

la) Tapo the n«v» ifc<lin« and tlioppłd walttlln* on !«• *uno.

16) Cul • r«ct»ngl« of fabrlc and mjrk th»>-flia.ii uiid the bowllnn. Pu fabric 10 koy pointt »j ahown. Cut dewn to nect. up to waist and in to lida »»mł Form dirtł. «ut away surpluł fabric and pin soamlinoa.

lei Rodi^o aeam allowanco to l Dcm <V»"I ano mark «aamlin«a and d«rt».

«•»    it)



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