The idee oosbng for ewide ringi ofapphcwns Fnetmei mdcueng oonditions ehere toof bfi and hęher fse* and ipeedi re ooerafcng objact;ves Thehię^łubnc%ofT#<<eołneiei opeeru bu* md reckjce* aftng forcee md temperatura TtN^eduoeiwer encroproweeche j formetion to extend tooM^ TiNeegoodchoceforthenechininęofifon-beeed metanole, moidng af piestics md fot component* raounng reeetmoe
! Hardness-2900HV
i Thermei 8taN(ty - 950F |
to efcraswe md adheeve weer |
|TiCN | Titanium i Carbonitride Hardness -4000HV I Thermeł Itabrtity - 750F |
Art exceptionai high hardness and iow coeffioent of fncbon coebng ahch provides exc8iien* weer reantmce T?CN petforms wali cuttng a«oy steefo, stainless iteefo, and m high speed cutbng ehen modarate temperatim ere i genented at the cutbng idga Prcv.des m aaceieit eurfeoa guabty on machmed componenti Aiso, exoeRent m appttcabom whch ftqun hęf feed} and ipeed retet |
| Titanium Aluminum j Nitride
Mrdneei »2600HV Thermei StaWity -1450F
| idea! for figh temperatur! cutbng operatora in meny metanoli auoh as trtamum md nickei aUoys. Co-Cf-Mo. tteniiei stees aioy mai* md cast łrone. TiAIN t$ ideel for high temperatur! cutbng operabora uhm eapoeed to | htgh temperatura ;t forma a hard ehjrnmum oxk3s foyer At temperatuei mcreeie the ooeltng nrmM/m me tooi mg agecti heei «rto f* ctipe TiAW ii a itry tough coebng met «i ho* up r heevy and interrupted cutt
I AlTiN nas very umiar 'eave$ to TtAiN latdeeifcr high temperze cueng i operatora to the lememaierefoeiTiAJN and hei the lameoiodetioneffecL | j AiT>N haaeftghaf etunmun content eftcft meKet ^mugijyry me J •moofher thm TiAfN. It it»deeł for tmmerd^itMof cut and etom rh^t |ipeederK>dry>yechinmflappticeooniendemr\mecw>mpherdmedeteei