For literaturę, write Dept. XR 49 BRITISH INDUSTRIES tORP., PORT WASHINGTON, N. Y.
The Heathkit reputation for quality allows no deviation from the highest possible stand-ards of performance. Heathkit assures great-est customer satisfaction by utilizing stability and fuli power at a harmonie distortion ratę of less than 1%. Result? An outstanding amplifier, the W5-M.
hTiti Tu Uh ort uratlahle at all leadihi»fi dealera.
tial rlistricts ncar faciorics. you may finri the lino varies as much as 20 volls Iłctwecn ihe daylight and evcning hours. Output lulłcs which łiavc had their hias accurately set during the day may rcact i>oorly to this treat-ment w hen linę collage rises. Under ihese ciicumstances, there is no harm in setting the bias voltage a linie higher (morę negntive) than norm a 1.
Popular tubę lypes used in preampli-fiers and amplifiers. which should be taken along on calls, are listed in Table 1. Where morę than one type mini ber appears on a linę followed by an as-terisk. the last one will safely replace the olhers. but recerse interchange-ability is nor always advisable. For ex-
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