world by intensive and rigorous industrialization, with respect to the economic system and the model of political power. Both of these were based on the principle of concentration of power in centers of man-agement and direction for the purpose of intensification of all social forces. This was particularly necessary in view of the fact that plan-ned goals were not in proportion to the existing historical potentials. The second element of the heritage, the pressure exercised by the Stalinist model which at the time could not be adeąuately questioned, caused an undemocratic organization of social and party work. This undemocratic organization was not treated merely as the necessity of the historical moment, i. e. the need for absolute discipline and a high degree of organization in order to overcome the consequences of inher-ited backwardness and the direct consequences of war destruction, but was transformed into a principle reinforced by labeling authoritarian behavior as »communist behavior«.

The severing of ties with the latter element of the heritage gave birth to the idea of self-managing socialism. This action, however, was not a product of the internal maturation of Yugoslav society, leading to the conflict of the two conpetions of socialism. Such a pro-cess of maturation could have been caused by the discovery that the basie principles of the existing model were not acceptable, but this was not the case. Instead, the switch to self-managing socialism oc-curred under the direct influence of the external conflict of the two Systems, i. e. the two governments and the two parties. The conflict created the need for a transformation of the internal structure of Yu-goslav society at a time when it still was not prepared for such a transformation. In the 1950s, Yugoslav society was neither theoretic-ally nor practically ready for a radical transformation of either the conception of socialism or of the structure of society (internal dis-agreements with respect to paths of socialism occurred much later). Inaugurated as a result of the urgent need to differentiate itself from a foreign model of socialism - due to the expansionist tendencies of a socialist State, rather than due to the recognition of the lack of re-semblance of such a model to the authentic ideas of socialism1 - such a conception of self-managing socialism was necessarily vague, self-contradictory, and a compromise. In other words, Yugoslav variant of socialism was not a conseąuence of an internal revolutionary situation. Rather, it was prompted by the need to defend not only the territorial but also the political independence; its rangę and limits were, there-fore, conditioned by such a situation. Formulated in this historical context, the idea of self-management was burdened by the content of the old model and ideological orientation that had not yet been over-come.

Wich are these limits? Which elements of the old ideology have been active for the longest period of time, imposing restrictions upon a radical transformation of Yugoslav society?



In order to establish the original ideas of socialism one should return to the following Marx's works: The Civil War in France, Critique of the Gotta Program, Introduction to the Critiąuc of Political Economy, Critiąue of HegePs Philosophy of Law, German Ideology (Marx and Engels).


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