Niektóre przymiotniki, np. standard, mjular. espress to przymiotniki klasyfikujące. Nie mają stopnia wyższego i najwyższego. Określają klasę, czyli kategorię, do której należy przedmiot lub osoba.
Woukf you likir Ifir stankinl senktor Hie r\pir s servke?
WOR.t> F-OlVER. regular coffee: średnia kawa standard eeryice: usluaa w normataym tempie
exprese 6ervice: inJuaa ekspresowa
^ f
A Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami z ramki.
foreign regular extreme double free express
i Could 1 have a |
. coffee wlth milk. please? |
2 Do yoti speak any ..... |
languages? 1 can speak Russian. |
3 He wants to do some |
sports like hang-gliding when he's |
in Australia | |
4 The standard service takes two days but we do an .................service | |
whlch only takes lour hours. | |
S Have you got a ..... |
.. room with a shower lor Friday night? |
0 There are two |
bottles of water in the mini-bar |
1 Shc is
2 She is
3 She is •1 She is 5 She is
looking for biscuits having something to eat and drink getting a suit cleaned buying a sweater
looking for the menswear deparlment
136 Engllsh in 20 minutes a day