18466 mb 35

18466 mb 35


Illustralion Xo. 16 show* well the oxorcic2 of 'the thigh. The great. muscles that extend the legs are lieing eontracted with the greatest yigor so that ther stand out in inassive folds. Most men -walk quite a little; the rcsult is that the aucragc man has hetlcr ]pgs than he has arms. These muscles are fully de-Ycloped in many men, who otberwise are pretty tlabby. It is woli to hond the kace, lup and anklo joints a little. Then slowly contract the muscles to your utrnost. power until they stand out under the skin like piles of coiled ropę, or like steel bandunder the pressure of inlense strain. After eon-tracting the muscles of one thigh ten limes, eontract the muscles of the other thigh, similarly and an equal nuraher of iimes.

Illustration Ao. 17 shows well the contraction of the great muscles wlueh flex tho leg on the thigh. These muscles do not show partienlarly well in or-dinary use. The escrcise should he earried out en hoth sides of the body. Xos. 3 and 19 show the great muscles of the Iow er back in active contraction: also show liow the muscles of the forearm, upper arm and shoulder are working at the same tirne. The


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