22028 smpb 51

22028 smpb 51

ANTHONY SANSONR The mighty, powerful, tueful mordę* on thli pupil are ev« an impiratinn to tho*e Mreking ibc ummmI in phyxical derelop-mrut. Bark of ihn» hcantiful bullt rnuwlo lir* rnormou* Mrength, ready at atl tiine* for an rmergmcy.

Tbrre i« no icar of Mr. San-•otie miffcring from dtgettive iroubte*, con»tipniirin or ruptare. Thr miit vilal ortjjm havc been trained and *trciiKthrned to that tbey prrform thrir funrtion* per-fectly. To havc »iK-h glpirimtt hralth and itrrngth b worth morę than atl thr world\ rieher. Send for my System and rnjoy thr »nme iplcndid hralth your-Mlf.

ANTIIONY SANSONE An escrllcnt di«play of muiclet i* thown hrrr of my 1925 FIRST PR1ZE winning pupil. Eaaminr thr thick, fuli chrtt deveIopmrnt. thr prominent ahdotninal iiiuv!m, a* well a» thr tricep* at thr bark and side of thr arm. 1’irturo like the*« miot mirrly impire a drad onel No rtnl nuta ca u Innk at rhr*e photiMi withnut a thrill.

I jiii fthowing thnn hrrr to in> dicatc thr pouibilitir* of my never failing Coune. Make up your rnind th.it yau will be a big, Yigomut, yirile rperimrn of vrhoIcłornr muuhood by placing yuureclf AT ONCE under my carr. Look yuur*elf in the mir-mr now—then picture youraelf in a few *hort motiths like thia mani Knroll with mr and to* gether xve’ll mnke thi* drrnm a realityf lt’« worth it!



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