28402 s&h 012

28402 s&h 012


()f cdiirse thiss is not always tbe case; and tbere are exreptious, but lliey are not mim-erous.

.My athlctie exi>erieuce lias estended orer a period of many years, and durinjr tliat time i bave posed for many farnous artists, and I bare been told tliat l ani absolutely syninietrieal.

I wasirt born tliat way, for now tbat I look bark, il deesn't seem to me tbat T was eveu in robust bealtli. But 1 madę up my mind to be an atldele in tbe fullesf sense of tbe word. and I bare succeeded even bettcr tlian I ever expęcted.

Wbat I bare done for myself otber younjr men may do for tbemselres. Tbere are no bard and fast rnles for tbe derelopment of nmseles or Ibe attainnienf of bealtb. Tbere is no system in tbe worki tbat sbonld not be snbject to niodifications, morę espeeially wben tbat system bas to do witb physieal eultnre.

Lct us tako, for instance. tbe raso of a


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