40713 Obrazek33

40713 Obrazek33

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AFTERNOON te« will be way morę fun with some acłorabłe Scottie dog wrapping for your scrumptious shortbreads Wa/kers shortbread. £1.99, Wartrose


from the high Street, add some

got a gorgeous gift for under £5!


Gl VE a keen che? a stylish bottlo of oil wfth thls handy garlic tag that will make surę they always grab Che rlght bottle Ouinta De S.Vicentc otlvo oll, £4.49, Wartrose


A SI NGLE oli ve and a Piece of twine are all you'll need to tranform this cocktai I essential into a fun party gift Flllppo Borto ollves. £2.79, Sainsburys


TRE AT your friends to a hand-p«cked bag of chocolates with rrwatchmg tag for an extra luxurioustouch Bolglan chocolates. £4.99, anychocotate shop

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