The " o-phenomenon, ’ ’ as it has been called, is mathematically similar to the pług flow already discussed ; but it is of quite a different order, the amount of flow involved being about a hundred tira es as great in the fornier as in the latter.
The Schofield treatment is as follows :—
" If condition (x) of the above be granted, so that the particles are not accelerated, the stress W at the j wali of a tubę of łength L and radius R, to which a j pressure difference P is applied, is PR/2L ; while I the stress S at a point T within the tubę and distant I r from the axis is Pr/zL. Conseąuently r can be expressed in terms of S thus :—
r = R/W.S . . . . . ,(6) j
If v be the velocity at T, we may write in accotdance I with condition (3)
dv/dr = — /(S).
" Substituting the vałue of r given by Eąuation I (6), and integrating,
j/=R/W.j"7(S)<*S . . . j
if, in accordance with (2), v — o when S = W. The I flow dV, between r and (r + dr) — 2mdr . v. Sub- I stituting for r and v from Eąuations (6) and (7) and I integrating,
From this it is elear that, for any given materiał, I V/trR8 should depend on W only if the three eon- I ditions are fulfilled. By making specific assumptions I about the form of /(S), V/ttR3 can be evaluated. I 1
Thus, using MaxwelTs assumption that
where fi (the fluidity) is the reciprocal of the riscosity,1 Eąuation (8) reduces to PoiseuiIle’s equa-tion in the form
"In the same way, the expression based on the Bingham assumption can be deduced. Here it is supposed that the materiał does not flow unless a stress exceeding a critical value, S0, be applied to it, and that, at stresses higher than S0, the velocity gradient eąuals fi(S — S0). Again fi is a. constant having the dimensions of a reciprocal viscosity, and is usually called the mobility. When such a materiał is forced through a tubę, a central cylinder of radius RS0/W, within which the stress is less than S0, moves as a solid pług, and only the materiał outside this cylinder flows. When W is less than S0, no flow occurs, and V = o. In substituting in Eąuation (8) to obtain the value of V when W exceeds S0, it must be remembered that, sińce /(S) is discontinuous, heing zero from o to S„, and /x(S — S0) from S0 to W, the integrations must be carried out in two stages. This has the effect of splitting V into two terms, thus
n fW fW
The first is the contribution of the pług, the second
1 Fluidity is here regarded as a “ special case ” of mobility, namely, the case where Poiseuille’s law is obeyed. The numbers of the eąuations have been chauged to suit the preseut text.
Thia ffnnAra l flfiiiation will be considered morę fully later.