64371 jow13 06

64371 jow13 06

ar. a l.vol with your ohln at thc eotao tiao ac tho finał phaac of tho oquat la mado. In ot hor won! o, tho ara and log rumnaont sauet bo in unie on.

Thln ozorciao will toot tho offioioncy of your bolonco. You rtay flnd it nocooaary to por fora tho ozorciao with your feot sproad aport, in ordor to nalntain your o qu i libr lun. Thia Ib poraiaolblo, ar.d ir. no wino do troć ta from tho valuo of tho oxoroioc.

Prnotloo thia ozarcioo 9 timc, addlng ono ropotltion ovory thlrd proctic© nifht until IB oounts aro mado, tłum ftollow out tho rogulor progroaalro inatruotlon.

Ezarclso 4.

Stand at attontion with tho foot arrund a confortablo dlstnnco aport. Conrwmce the exoroisc by holding tho Pule run Barboll at strair.ht arna' longth in front, on a linc with your chin. Bogiń fco broatho in, and by tum Ing your nhouldora only, nxm> tho ^lcrua Barboll to tho loft aldo aa fnr aa poasible without bonding tho orna or lowcring tho Barboll. Aa aoon aa thia ia dono, tum your ohouldoro to tł»o right s ido aa far aa poaalbie, ot i 11 łcoeping your nrr.a utraight, and the Barboll or. a lino with your ohin. Broatho in and out olowly, aa you tura tho ohouldcrc frara ono aido to tho othor. Tł» noYocrumt mat bo fairly alow, and all tho tura or txrlst gotton from tho ahouldora, In. ordor to otiuao tho nuaeloa of tho aldoa and of tho uppor baak to fUnction comrletoly in roaiotanoo. At no tiao rauot tł»o hoola loavo tho floor. Any body tura acquircd nust bo gotton fror. tho shouldcrs which will rotato tho body on tho walat KOT THB HIPS. Hlp turning ruina tho valuo of tho czoroiao.

Praotico thia ozorciao € tlcioa in auoooaaion, addlng ano ropotltion ovory thlrd practioo nifht until 12 eounts aro mde. For ‘\irthor progroaalon, fhllow out tho odvioo riwon Ir ozoroia* Ho. 1, boing car o ful oach tirao you movo tho Błocka to a ’ naw pooition furthor «way fTor your honda to bogiń with tho original nueber of ropotl tlona and incroaao tho oounta aa bo faro.

.    Szaroloo S.

Stand at attontion with your fbot apaoed ęoiafortably aport, and tho Monia Barboll hołd in tho starting poaltiar. aa ahowt; in tho illuatration. Tho arna aro bont, tho uppor arma aro rooting on thc body whlah acta oa a floor. Thia li porad aalblo. The hondo mat bo hołd oloao togothor graoplng tho bar. PTor thia poaitlon, elowly lowor tho Parboll to your loft aido by bowling tho wrists only. Do nut allow your olboł.e to Iortc your body at any tL-jy, and do not auocuab to tho dciairo to bond your body at tho troi a t ir. ordor to hol? c on troi tho rcaistoncu of tho Barboll. All tho o ffort mat be bourno by tho truście a of your forcorna only. Thia will givo all thoao nuaeloa a fint workout, partloularly thoic on tho front of tho fbroara whioh aro uaually mat ntubboro to roapond.

Koop your body atraight throughout tho ozorciao, ajid do not bend your kr.ooa or poraJ your hoola to rlae off tho floor. Brontho in and out alowly and dooply in tonpo with tho ozoroiao aocoswnt.

'•©motibor, aa tho ftłlcrusi Barboll ia loworod to thu laft sidń, by tho atrongth of your foroorna only, raioo tho Barboll baok, and withopt pauae lemur lt to tho righfe aido. Do not swing tho wolght at any tlao. lbm lt from atd° ko sido In tt wid o orc, Ailly oontrolloć by your foroara atrength auły.

Sup. 6


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