Hybrid Blended Learning Training Sessions
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Clemson is planning to offer morę than 50 percent of its classes with an in-person component during the Spring semester. Clemson Online and CCIT are partnering to make surę that instructors are versed in hybrid blended learning best practices and confident in using the new classroom technology in order to ensure a successful learning experience for students.
• Offered January 4 and 5
• Begin on the hour from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Cooper 200B
• 20-minute discussion on hybrid blended learning best practices
• 30-minute instruction on new classroom tech
• Register online with Tiger Training
Sessions are open to all instructors teaching on campus this semester. Instructors must register online with Tiger Training to attend.
We look forward to working with you to make this a successful Spring semester. If you need assistance or have any questions, contact CCIT.
A reminder that all faculty and staff accessing campus during the Spring semester must provide a negative C0VID test result completed on or after December 28. Access to university facilities will be restricted beginning the morning of January 3 without proof of a negative test.