69508 jow02 07

69508 jow02 07

Pond forwnrd and exhale, aa la Deereiae 6 posltior. (a).

Cegła to broothe la no the arna aro raiaod forword la a lino wlth tho ehouldora.

Do not atop boro, buf contlnue to relso tho inu to fuli etretch overhead and raiao up on the tooo. BRLATHL Irf ALŁ TiD: TZIE, es la Exeroice 0 posltlon (b).

Pkor. tho overhead posltlon nilem tho aroa to dascend BACKWABDS, ae la Exorcl.no 6 posltlon (c), breathlng In your falleat es you do ao.

Aa the araa roaoh tho aide, breathe out aa you continua bo bond forword to ropoat tho nowonent.

Slx mowomenta aro aufflolont for thla esorciso.


Don»t forgot to bond fonrard and bronthd OUT.

Don*t forgot your fallest broathlag Hnęlr.n at tho ororhond poaition.

Doa»t fbrget to allow your h^ad to band baol: wfton braathlng In.


Thla orerclsc la sinplo but wory offeotlwo.

It will help to lirt your choat highor aad get -tho alr flltering through to thoso lowor noglocted alr oharbors.

Start off wlth tho rogular eomonoing pooltlon.

5ody oreot and feot apart.

Plaoo tho pala of oaoh hand utoń the aldoa of tho ohoat about tho lewol of the thoraelo areh.

Hołd tho elbows back aa nuoh as pesaiblo.

Broatho In aad lift up wlth tho honda and ralao up on tho tooa.

L<mcr to tho fiat of tho fbot aa you faol the limęa aro fillod and tha ohoat fully eapondcd, and braathe out.

As you broatho out, prosa wlth tho honda upen the walla ot tho choat and band slightly forword aa a fUrther aid to ollainatU^ all tha residua alr.

Praotloo tho a o racwemanta alx tlnos, ad hor Ing to tho «c?lained plan of braathlni la threugh the r.ose and out through tho nouth.


Doa*t forgot to hołd tho elbows BAClt.

Don't forgot to lift on tho choat.

Don»t forgot to hołd tho hood baek.

Don«t forgot to bond ferwerd and pro a a on tha ohaat «a you exhale.



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